2021-2022 USC Transfer

I believe that they only interview some students that applied but it doesn’t guarantee anything still.

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On their website it says that transfer applicants will be seeing decisions by May 31

still awesome you got an interview… when do you speak with them?

Next monday I will be speaking with one of the admissions committee. I am nervous!


That is amazing!!! Let us know how it goes!!! We are excited for you

Best of luck mate! Dont worry you have gotten this far and you will nail this too

They’ve had waves in previous years starting in mid April with TTP applicants getting decisions first, and then everyone else.

But I’m curious… did the person who told you know someone from admissions that said that or a student ambassador? Maybe there’s something we don’t know??

If I changed my major before the school year started but still followed and met TTP recommendations/requirements do you think I will still be considered as a TTP applicant?

What is TTP?

Trojan Transfer Plan, people who were denied as freshman but offered transfer admission under certain circumstances

Hi so I completed my FAFSA application last month but USC is requiring me to submit a CSS profile. Do I have to complete that? I was only planning on doing FAFSA but do I have to do both to get financial aid? I think the deadline for CSS passed so I’m a little confused

Fafsa will only get u federal aid which is 6k max. For institutional aid u need to submit css profile if u wanna apply for it

Yes the deadline has passed but i am pretty sure u can submit it now. The deadline is sort of a priority deadline i believe. Submitting now will for sure delay the notification of ur financial aid package if u get in. Call the office on the safe side

Exactly what @Paranoid101 said. You have to do CSS for any USC aid. Deadline is not strict, you are just behind those that already submitted it. CSS is a chore…lots of info needed.

From last year’s thread some non-ttp applicants heard back in April 20 or late April.

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As a TTP applicant myself, it was basically a one-on-one session with an admissions counselor detailing what next steps I should take to prepare a successful transfer as well as going through certain courses and GPA requirements for my major. Since I am going for computer science, my requirements were a bit higher in terms of math and science courses, however, I did all that was required and applied this fall with a 4.0 GPA!


I called the fin aid office yesterday. They confirmed my SSN and my fafsa is in now. But css is still required. Should i call again or wait because they said everything will load in 7 working days

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Save the CSS Profile as a .pdf file and upload it to your FAST account by going to the “Documents Library” tab and then find “Unknown or Unlisted type of Financial Aid Document” it will take another day or two.

Okay thanks alot :slight_smile: