2021-2022 USC Transfer

i have like 70 credits and will be transferring as a junior

No question is a dumb question we are all learning here.:heart:


We need to send someone over to the admissions office to bribe the truth out of them with a box of donuts.


You’re good then! A lot of junior transfers don’t hear back unless they’re completing major prerequisites. GL to you.

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guys guys chill. we were so nice in here before, why is this place becoming toxic all of a sudden? i get decisions are out soon but still

thank you!! good luck to you too:)

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2 more hours. good luck to everyone! hope we all eat good tonight.


Yes this toxicity is really affecting me. #stopthetoxicity #fighton

hopefully in 2 hours we will all be celebrating

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My sgr thing disappeared, 3.9 ish, non ttp, non legacy, nontrad, applied dornsife

everybody take a chill pill lets come back at 5


Wouldn’t it be great to have a holiday weekend to celebrate good news?! Wishing that for you all!

Just heard Las Vegas is booked for the weekend - that’s good news, not a USC acceptance, but good for the country to be rocking it again.


I think people are approaching finals and USC decisions are making everyone crazy.

It’s a very straining time, every year. It may be a bit longer this year, but it is always a loooong process for transfers.

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I am missing @KendraVixLi


 this is for everyone new here that doesn’t know this by now
 calling the admissions office doesn’t solve any problems
 Unless if it’s for something other than asking about decision release dates. It wastes time and it’s counterproductive. They can’t give out straight answers to us any way and decisions will come out when they come out (whether that’s tonight or before June 1st). I’m in no way trying to be rude, it just gets tiresome seeing new people come into this forum saying they’ve called the AO about decision releases just to tell them that this isn’t reliable. No answer is the same, and they just want to get you off the phone.

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Yes, we need her love and kindness!

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did u get it today?

There have been no decisions released today (yet).


My sgr is back too, submitted it on the 13th

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