2021-2022 USC Transfer

Will they email us if they request for a SGR? Or will we have to check the portal off and on?

will my one withdraw in the first semester impact anything? it was a class that wasnā€™t related to my major and is a gen ed at my current school, but not at usc. I explained that the labs were on the same days for this class and my computer science class and it became hard to manage both on the same day, so i dropped that course to focus on my cs class which i ended up getting in A in. This only put me at 12 graded credits my first semester but I got retroactive credit for another comp sci course because i went ahead and completed the course which was after intro comp sci, so i was awarded 3 units for that course, so I have technically earned 15 credits here, 12 graded and 3 from retroactive credit. I am taking 15 units this semester too, and I will likely get A/A+ in them. I also do have 16 ap credits that will transfer to usc, but 32 at my current school. i want at least an sgr since my gpa is at 3.72 from first semester, and it could likely be 3.88 at the end of the second semester freshman year

They will email to inform you that there has been an update to your portal. Thats how they communicate anything (acceptance/rejection/SGR)

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I mean this as respectfully as possible. Relax. haha weā€™ve seen your stats and confirmed they look good, trust me they do. But whatā€™s in the past is done, I would honestly recommend taking a break from college confidential. There is nothing we can say that will help, itā€™s all speculation after all and even if anyone has any form of insight you cant do anything about all the information thatā€™s all already in. No one here can chance you or tell you that you are admitted, weā€™re only a few weeks away from when most of the decisions roll out, so hang tight!!

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thanks, i needed that. gl to ya

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do most transfer students get housing?

simple answer: no, not at all. however, there are a few ppl who do get on-campus housing because of available spots here and there (very rare). i was told to start looking for off-campus housing and donā€™t even bother relying on the very slight chance of getting on-campus housing. especially with covid limiting housing, iā€™d say transfers r virtually out of luck like it has always been.

Completely agree with @KyawCR7.

On a good year only 10% of transfers do. This year, it may be closer to zero. But living with dorm restrictions may not be fun anyways as tranfers are already older and ready to be truly on their own. There is so much housing all around campus.

I agree with this completely! At this point, we have already submitted all of the documents required for the common app and transcripts from all of the previous semesters that we have done up to this point. We wrote up all the essay prompts and talking about them will only stress us out even more by wondering if we expressed our thoughts and words well enough for admissions to accept us. If at the possibility we end up not being accepted, I feel it would be at the point we can discuss what we can do to improve our odds in the future if we would like to apply again for fall 2022.

thatā€™s just great :sweat_smile:

do you know if thereā€™s a lot of affordable off campus housing? My concern is finding a roommate and trying to find a lease from august-may.

iā€™m not so sure about the options, iā€™m also wondering the same, need more info about housing and roommates ;( . i have heard of gateway and lorenzo as popular destinations for transfers, maybe someone here who knows about off campus housing can give more details. iā€™d recommend looking at r/usc on reddit; there is a ton of info about housing and each housing option. might wanna check that out.

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thanks for the advice :slight_smile: Iā€™ll try and see if I can find anything out on reddit.

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I have had students leasing there every year for over 10 years (and paying for it, ouch!). Gateway closer than Lorenzo - if want to feel part of campus, Gateway. Lorenzo is a shuttle/or own car and even more shi-shi with amentities. Leases at virtually all houses and smaller apartment buildings are always 12 months (just how it is) (July - July or Aug to Augā€¦). Some of the bigger apt complexes like Gateway let you lease less than 12 months but you pay a premium each month to do so.

Keep in mind that the big ones Gateway and Lorenzo, you pay for your bed/share, like a dorm. At all the other apts and houses, you are each signing a lease that makes you responsible for the entire rent, so if a room mate bails on the housing, those remaining are responsible for the rent.


I would stay within the Adams/Vermont/Figueroa/Jefferson square - check out a map, you will see that. The further you go outside of that, then you are out of DPS zone (patrolled) and it can get more unpredictable/sketch. A wee bit passed Vermont is fine and there are a lot of students there, so itā€™s not a strict boundary, just a guide.

Thereā€™s a lot of property mgmt companies, we have had several good experiences with First Choice Housing. Horrible experience with Stuho, nightmare city there. Check websites for housing options and start getting familiar with area around USC.

Also there are facebook groups to find room mates, Iā€™m sure there will be a transfer one once decisions start rolling, or if not someone should start one then. Then there the online sites that do matching like room surf, etc., although I donā€™t know anything about their reputation.

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What if you have a disability and you go to DSPS after you get accepted as a transfer student for housing?

I know that DSP helps students with disabilities get housing either on or off campus but I wanted to know if you knew anything about that.

thank you so much for the advice! I think Iā€™m gonna look into Gateway because Iā€™ve heard really good things and it looks like you can do a 10 month lease, also a little cheaper than Lorenzo per month. :slight_smile: Definitely want to stay in the DPS zone!

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Housing has some of the nicest people answering their phones. If you have any questions, donā€™t hesitate to call them. They can certainly answer that better than anyone, and I have always found them really accomodating and kind.

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if by chance there is space for transfers for on-campus housing, what would be the options and which ones are good/whatā€™s their reputation?

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