2021-2022 USC Transfer

I’m wondering the same thing. Does anyone on here know?



Honestly, I just look at what they’re based on. For undergraduate housing (not freshmen), there are different residential colleges and specific apartments that are based on special housing programs and groups like business, the arts, sciences, and more. It definitely helps to go on the USC housing website to see what each one is about and what kind of floor plans they offer. I’ve also watched yt videos about what current students say and they’ve all said different answers, so your best bet is to research as much as you can based on what you want/need.

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TTP and some non-TTP might hear towards the end of April and decisions (acceptance, SGR, or rejection) will trickle all through May with 31 May being the deadline. Be patient…We are all waiting right there with you


If I get asked for a SGR is that a good sign? Im sure I will either be rejected or asked because im a freshman. My college gpa is 4.0 and high school was not so good. So if I get a SGR and my Gpa is 4.0 or very high then I should be accepted right?

If you have less than 30 college credits then to my understanding they will also look at your grades in high school and see how you are doing from graduating high school to college life. SGR is always better than a straight rejection but SGR doesn’t necessarily mean good or bad they just want more information so they can make a better decision.

Most people who get SGRs are freshman who are applying to be sophomores with credits lower than 30. That doesn’t mean that all freshman will get SGR, but past stats and decision forums have proved that some get accepted without SGR. I’m a sophomore myself, and I feel like I could get one because I switched my major in the middle of summer of last year. I do have an upward trend, but it’s a wild card at this point. Some juniors get SGRs but it’s case by case. I would definitely expect one if you’re a freshman now though, because that is what USUALLY happens. But if you get accepted, good for you.

I did give them my high school transcript that also has a high gpa with an upward trend, so maybe they won’t give me a SGR. But again, wild card. The ball’s in their court and it’s now a waiting game like everyone else’s decision.

are SGRs for non ttp given out before 5/31?

yep, the only difference is ttp students tend to hear earlier.

I know the thing about if you have under 30 credits they weigh your hs performance, but I’m applying with 41 credits (18 from AP/AICE credit) and 20 in progress. Does anyone know if my AP credits count for the 30 or if I’m technically under??

30 credits excluding summer and AP credits, only fall, winter, and spring credits counts. don’t worry, as long as you’re full time throughout the year, it’s fine.

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Thank you!

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I am going to have 30 credits by May since I am only a freshman in college, so that means they have only seen 15 credits from my first semester. My high school GPA was only a 3.3, do you think I’ll get a SGR?

I’m not in a position to properly answer but for reference I am expecting an SGR (my credits are above)

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When do they usually ask for an SGR? What does your profile have to look like?

they’ll email u saying that there’s an update to ur admission status.

And who do they usually send it to?


What factors usually contribute in receiving a SGR?