2021-2022 USC Transfer

it’s truly random, however there are a couple of factors:

  1. sophomore transfers may receive it because of their lack of experience and classes in college so it’s harder to make a decision with just fall grades and so they request for spring grades.

  2. if you’re taking major pre req (required)/recommended classes during the spring, you may receive it. for example, marshall requires the completion of math 118/math 125, and if u happen to take that class in the spring, you’re more likely to receive a spring grade request because they want to see how u perform and if u actually receive a good grade before making a decision.

*remember, a spring grade request is neither good or bad, they just need more info to make a decision.

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This is basically true, but in past years, if you are a TTP applicant and are applying as a freshman to be a sophomore, then it’s more likely that you will be accepted on the spot (regardless of if you have 30 units or less, just look at last year’s transfer stats and decisions) but everyone has a different case.

It could be different this year because of the pandemic, and for a reason that I can’t remember, there’s speculation going around for 2021-2022 that the school isn’t going to be admitting as many rising sophomore applicants. Again, I don’t know why, but if someone knows, please tell me, because I can’t remember. I remember seeing something about it in either this forum or another

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im a rising soph, so hopefully not. id see no reason to admit less

does retroactive credit count as part of credits they would be evaluating as complete? since i got credit for the intro cs course here since i started on the 2nd course, that counted as 3 awarded units at my university. so with that I would be at 30 units by the end of semester 2, but without that, I would be at 27 graded units. 12 first semester since one course i had to dropped (i explained why in previous posts) and 15 this semester

don’t stress about it, they emphasize remaining full-time, trust me they won’t base their decision on the 3 “missing”/retroactive credits. if they find that u r a well-rounded student, u will be fine.

I don’t either. I’ll be a junior next year but there was something about it that made me wonder where I read that somewhere but maybe it’s not true.

Anybody think some decisions could come by the end of this week? I mean probably not likely, but judging by previous trends, it seems the earliest decisions could start rolling out is next Wednesday, April 14th, as last year, they came out on Wednesday, April 15th. It seems USC releases decisions in the 3rd week of April, however, things could be totally different this year. I just really want to know my decision :weary:


You can expect it on the 15th(according to historical data) if youre a TTP applicant otherwise it is rare to get a decision so early. You can get a SGR tho

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i mean i had a friend who was a TTP that got his decision April 6th last year. I suppose some decisions have already went out and keep in mind that this forum is just a small tight-knit group of transfer students, so it’s possible that decisions have already went out for some ppl.

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Really hope this is true for ttp, the wait is killing me!

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I am also dyinggggg waiting. Especially because I have to start preparing and registering for classes, housing, etc for the university that I am currently at for the upcoming fall semester, and I wish USC could just come out early and then I wouldn’t have to worry about all that stuff.

Hi guys, if I were to get a B+ in one class do you think that would hurt my chances because I did not get anything lower than an A- in college yet. Was just asking because there might be a chance because my professor being a little annoying with stuff.

Grades like that are definitely not a dealbreaker. If it’s more than 2, you’re kind of in the danger zone. The admissions team knows that applicants are more than just a grade, but you should definitely explain why that happened, what you’ve learned from it, and how it’s made you a better student (if you did, then great, if not, then you probably will still be okay). I have 2 B’s and a few withdrawals, the rest are straight A’s but I explained myself. They like to know why.

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How does TTP work? Like if you are a legacy student you have to go through counseling and stuff?

USC Admissions are HOLISTIC.… They want to hear about your story. They reject 4.0 applicants regularly, so stop worrying about getting a lesser grade than what you have intended. If you’re able to show that you’re not one dimensional, if you can explain to them that you have the skill sets to be an asset in whatever field you’re pursuing, then you’re on the right track.

EDIT: this post was meant to be a reply to user Jokes123.

TTP is a sort of guaranteed transfer if you meet basic requirements. You get this when you are denied as a freshman but they still like you to offer you a place as a transfer later

ohhhh I see yea I was denied as a freshman and I had contacted a USC counselor and she told me she tagged me for TTP but I kept trying to contact counselors and no one got back to me on it. So I’m not sure what happened haha. Thanks for the reply!

Well they are very busy these days!

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Okay thanks! Yea that is the worst case scenario I am at a borderline A- but the B+ could happen or it could not. But if it does my GPA would then be a 3.8 so I hope that means im not finished lol. Otherwise if it remains at at least an A- I would have around a 3.9. So hoping that doesnt mean im done thats all and im pretty confident with my essays as well!!

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