2021-2022 USC Transfer

yea I’m sure they are so I totally understand why. I’m just not sure if I’d still be considered TTP but it’s ok! Hopefully all works out and thanks for your help again.

You’re in good range with your gpa. And if you think your essays are good, then you should be okay! Just work your butt off to get it as high as you can. The admissions team loves to see upward trends.

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Once you are eligible for TTP, if you don’t attend the actual meetings with the advisor and update them with your course schedules and such, are you still considered a TTP applicant? I mean, I attended the meetings and also updated my advisor from USC with my course lists, and he told me that they’ll know within the systems that you’re a TTP applicant, but I wonder if those meetings and interactions with the advisor were mandatory to qualify for TTP?

i don’t think u r considered ttp if u didn’t sign up for the meeting w a counselor last summer. also, if u didn’t meet w a counselor, how would they know u r accepting the ttp offer or even if u intend to transfer in the first place.

True, that was a dumb question I asked lol.

Hi all, sorry I’m late to this discussion thread. I’ve had my application complete for a while and am expecting a SGR, have decisions for those or in general started to be released yet?

Not yet, if you are TTPer (Trojan Transfer Plan) anticipate getting a decision or SGR within the next few weeks. If not, decisions and SGR will trickle and roll out up until May 31st.

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Not trying to rile anyone up here, but I’ve been in contact with a housing group that just told me that some TTP applicants have been getting their decisions in this week, so if you’re on TTP, there’s a possibility that you may get a decision this week!


i’m ttp, nothing received yet, just super hopeful :pray:
do u mind telling which group?

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A female housing group that I’m trying to get a lease from if I get in

for TTP did you talk with a counselor multiple times? I only met with mine once or twice and she said she “tagged me” for TTP but I’m not 100% sure if she officially did.

If you did the meeting last summer they have you down as ttp. Dont worry about it haha

Yes, some TTP are out. But it could be tomorrow, days or weeks for others, so just buckle up, it’s a long ride. Some find out just a couple days after reg decision every year. But they drag these out too, so please don’t worry if you haven’t.


ok great thank you I always get so paranoid lol

If we aren’t TTP, when should I expect a decision? I am pretty sure I will get a SGR since I am currently a freshman.

my friend got one last year as a transfer on April 30 and I know a few people who got one before that. I think pretty much any time towards the end of April you can get one!

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For regular transfers (non-TTP) normally I would say end of next week around the 12th, as it use to consistently be the 7-10th. But they started pushing them out later about 3 years ago to more like the 15th-20th. So I would say hope for end of next week, but emotionally plan on the 19th that way it will be a great surprise if earlier.

I do sense admissions is getting back to normal on their time frames in other things, so they should be on a pretty normal track for transfer notifications. While many will hear in the first wave that occurs in April, there are a ton that don’t…and it can take well into May, if not end of May, just to get a decision or even an SGR.

Try to distract yourself or you can go mad. If this site makes you anxious, step away for awhile! It will come, nothing you can do will speed it up. When it is, it is. What will be, will be.

Good luck all!


The 19th is my birthday lol USC could either make it a great one or a no bueno one 🥸


There are so many posts on here :joy: this scrolling and stressing is not good for me lmao


USC admissions was seen sending out physical packages to newly admitted freshman (international as well), so maybe they’ll send transfers acceptance packages too?? I want one so bad