2021-2022 USC Transfer

I would hope that they would be sympathetic. Is there anyway any of us can help? I don’t live in CA yet but I’d be happy to contribute something to help you & your family.


Wishing you nothing but the best. I’m confident you have a bright future ahead of you and hopefully USC accepts you with open arms. To have such a hunger for success while having to deal with such hardships just proves the type of strong character you are. That resolve and strength will 100% get you to where you want to be in life and hopefully one day very soon you and your family can get out of that situation you’re in. Good luck and I hope everything works out in your favor.

If there’s even a little bit that I can do to help out, please let me know. I don’t have much, but I can try my best to help.


As far as asking for an update all I can say is express that with your counselor… I am very sorry to hear that your going through financial hardship with your family… these have been trying times for a lot of families for many reasons… I agree with @NameWasTaken your hunger for success and determination to get to your goals is admirable and very impressive… I hope usc accepts you and for the unfortunate event they do not, remember it’s not the end of the road for you, there are paths not yet discovered and your courage will guide you through it all… please let us know if there is anything any of us can do to help you.

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Im very sorry for everything you are going through and if I can do anything to help you please let me know. Being honest with your counselor would be the best thing to do in my opinion. I wish you the very best and sending positivity to you!

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Oh my gosh I am so sorry! USC is a very understanding school. Make sure to let your admissions counselor know what you are going through. They should be very understanding and this is a situation that is out of your control, so it shouldn’t be held against you. I wish you the best of luck. We are all here for you!


Very sorry to hear that, I really hope USC comes through for you and I wish nothing but the best for you and hope you do end up finding a great place to study and sleep, if you need anything definitely hit us up in the thread we all are mostly kind im sure! I think you will get into USC and should avoid stressing your story might seem very inspiring!

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I know you have a bright future ahead of you! I wish you and your family nothing but the best. I hope USC accepts you as they will gain a bright and tenacious student. I hope you and your family can fight through this hardship. Good luck!

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Sorry you are dealing with all of this. When does your semester/quarter end? I’m not sure what you would email them at this point, it may be better to wait till you have more information since you just found out today and I’m sure it’s stressful and upsetting, but also very uncertain in terms of what you would want to tell them. What are you thinking you want to ask them/tell them? Have your grades been strong to this point? Just trying to gain some insight to offer guidance on how you would approach them with relevant and impactful information.

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Oh my god I took a nap and I never expected such support thank you guys so much :pleading_face:. You all are too kind and I hope we all hear good news from USC. Thank you again for the ones offering to help, I really appreciate it more than I can explain, but even if I wanted to accept, I currently live outside the US so it would be pretty much impossible.


My gpa is 4.0 at the moment and the last day of the semester is May 27. I thought about updating my counselor, to give a heads up and ask for advice regarding the academic situation, or that should I be worried if it impacts my grades, but I’m honestly still trying to figure out what to write and if I should update her. You might be right though, I might have to wait and see.

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Hey. Best of luck with everything. I hope it gets better soon. If u want to share anything or need any help please dont hesitate asking. Keep fighting on


I would definitely let your admissions counselor know 100%.

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good luck. i hope your situation becomes better. you deserve the best.

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anxiety levels be going crazy everyday around 3pm-6 lmao


Seriously. I legit have not been able to focus on any of my work today. Although, I don’t think they’ll be coming out today, but tmrw just seems like another wave of more anxiety lmao.

My anxiety is always up because all I want is an answer… of course we all want an acceptance but the limbo is killing me more at the moment


yes omg i just can’t do anything when this time comes everyday!! i’m just praying it comes out for ttp by friday!!

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I looked at the past two years of transfer decision timelines, and it seems they always tend to release it by the end of the 2nd full week of April. So it definitely makes sense for them to release at least TTP’s by this Friday.

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exactly what i was thinking!

