2021-2022 USC Transfer

i’m ttp and historically this exact week/time of day has been when ttp students have gotten their decisions. Mid April is the recent trend and around 3-6 pm is when decisions r released so that’s why lol.

good luck!!!

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so non ttp will or won’t get any updates this month or is at all for may?

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I got spring grade request, TTP


just now?

what major/any major classes in progress for the spring?

I am also TTP and got a SGR a few days ago. Math in progress and I’d say my course load seems more rigorous this semester but I have straight As.


No about two days ago, I know a few other ttp who got two days ago also


Bio and English 102/ Cal 1


makes sense why u got spring grades request as english is an admissions requirement and calc is also key.

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Yup also a sophomore transfer

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If you don’t mind me asking what your gpa is like


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Im a sophomore transfer applicant as well…
I didn’t get any spring grade request…

Do you guys think it’s a dangerous sign?

I made a post in the stats post if you want to see it

No, are u ttp?

What’s ttp?

Mostly ttp applicants (trojan transfer plan) get spring grade request this early so dw

trojan transfer plan. If you’re TTP you might hear back this week or next but if not you can hear back all the way up till May!

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