2021-2022 USC Transfer

I did pass no pass in the fall and my school counselors told me it won’t really hurt your application. I’m not sure if they were right or not tho as long as the class is not part of your major.

Thank you!

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I’m scared for tomorrow, since if USC follows their previous trends, they may release decisions tmrw at around 6:15pm EST, as that is when last year’s applicants got notified. Although this is purely hypothetical, but I’m just really excited and also scared for decisions.


Oh wow really? I didn’t realize they came out that early!

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i know same ahhhh

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You shouldn’t have said that. Tomorrow’s my day off and now I’m gonna spend it dreading 6:15 PM EST

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Is that for Non TTP as well or just TTP?

decisions coming out tomorrow is purely speculation, however, decisions for ttp coming out this week is accurate and highly plausible as previous year trends all points towards this week being THE WEEK!


It’s only for ttp that hear decisions and also SGRs but I’ve seen in recent years that SGRs for regular transfers could also start coming out this week. I think by this Friday TTP should be out which is so soon wow!


i think just TTP


It’s just a theory. A decision theory… lol mind my reference from the game theorists.


Tomorrow is indeed very much a possible day for TTPs to start hearing back based on the past couple years decision dates of past applicants. Good luck to all!


My portal says it is still waiting for my high school transcript, but when I emailed my counselor, she said she received it. Should I email her again or do you think it will be okay?

I think you should email USC to make sure they received cause your high school counselor can’t know if it got into the system

I emailed my USC counselor, should I still check in again?

I personally would if it’s still not checked off. In the meantime I would upload it in the spot that allows you to upload your own.

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mine still says awaiting too I called them in january and they said they have them so you might be fine I think the system is just updating slowly.

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does anyone with TTP still have transcripts awaiting??

I know it’s early but I want to say good luck to everyone in the thread in hopes of an acceptance decision. We are so close now… just a few more weeks everyone


For anyone that had to update their counselors on certain stuff, would you like to give me some advice on how to approach these kind of stuff?

Because in 1 month or so my family and I will be homeless basically and we will have to move for the 4th time since December to god knows where. I’m afraid this might affect my grades since I’m online and I don’t even know if we will be able to find a place or not. I found out today so I really don’t know if I should send an email or not since I haven’t gotten a SGR.