2021-2022 USC Transfer

Has anyone heard of any TTP acceptances yet?

I donā€™t think they are coming out today

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yep today doesnā€™t seem like the day; really hoping for tomorrow or friday


Iā€™m a freshman in the Viterbi Transfer Program currently finishing my second semester of the lab requirement so Iā€™m hopefully expecting a SGR. I took calc 2 and the writing requirement last semester but I really want a SGR because I got 2 Bs last semester (literally went into both of the finals with an A ugh) and Iā€™m currently getting straight As rn while taking a more rigorous schedule so I want them to see that before they make a final decision :persevere:


Good luck, you got this

thank you! :relaxed: we got this guys! we are in the final stretch! :star_struck: i believe in a great future for us all and no matter what, we will end up where we are supposed to be :pray:


SO this is purely speculation, but USC Admission on their social media sites just posted a general timeline for Transfer Applicants and when we should hear our decisions. SO, I really have a strong feeling that now they basically are in the process of REALLY reviewing applications and quite possibly releasing some of the decisions VERY SOON, (hint hint, wink wink, THURSDAY or FRIDAY). Anyways, just your daily dose of decision theories. :wink:


Do regular applicants also receive SGR?

we will but usually its not until May (mid-late timeframe)

My D

My D (TTP) does not get SGR, is it a bad sign? She did upload unofficial Winter QTR grade (UCSD) herself. Is 4-y college like UCSD get lower priority than a 2-y CC?

@endotron Many many TTPs do not get SGRs. If they were one of those overachieving 4.0 high school students that was likely pushed to TTP because their major was full or they hit their legacy limit, and the student submitted a stellar mid term grade report (after fall quarter/semester etc) from a school like UCSD or any other demanding 4 year, they will likely not receive an SGR. There are a lot of TTPs they would have admitted if there was room, so this is really just a formality. Others, if more borderline in their hs grades and fall college grades will get SGRs. 4 year does not hurt you at all, they know itā€™s more demanding so it can actually be very good/better for the student that shows they can be successful at a 4 year. They just canā€™t encourage students to take that route because it wouldnā€™t be neighborly with other 4 year colleges to do so.


Thanks so much for the explanation, and it really makes sense. Hope that it is the case for my D since she get all Aā€™s so far including the winter QTR. One more question, does transfer applicants have lower priorities in scholarship and financial aid - grant, or are equally merit driven on scholarship and need based on financial aid as compared to the freshmen?

Merit is slim pickings for tranfers. Just 40 transfer scholarships for 14k per year (1/4). But need based financial aid is simply need based so class status is not a factor. For that you will qualify, if you qualify based on FAFSA, CSS and USCā€™s ā€œmagicalā€ formulas regardless of when you come in. Good luck!!! Hope you hear soon!

On an unrelated subject. I have noticed this thread is far more buzzing than the other threads i follow. Not sure if thatā€™s usually the case or USC is much much more transfer friendly than others.

Is there anyway for us to submit the Common App Mid-Term Report?

Youā€™re in the same situation as me. I believe there will be no disadvantage for applicants who attend a four-year university. It will matter how successful you have achieved at UCSD, obviously. Your concern is mine, but Iā€™m only looking on the bright side.

Good luck to everyone!

Thanks for your tip.

Basically ( my theory) is that if ur ttp and have the math/ English requirements and did well last semester in college expect good news really soon. Anyone who is still completing the math/English requirements expect SGR. ( yes even ttp although I seen someone case they are still accepted). Of course, this is pure speculation base on stats from the last few years.