2021-2022 USC Transfer

No word from my counselor about my transcript :frowning:

I am TTP coming from a CCC. I have a 3.94 with 44 semester units complete. (3 spring 2020, 16 summer 2020, 19 fall 2020) I am also transferring 4 APs, so it puts me at almost 60 units with 16 units still left. I Marshall Transfer with applied calculus 2 done and both English requirements done and I also finished GEs. I still got a SGR in the portal, so it can really happen to anyone regardless of having the requirements done in the fall. When I met with counselor over summer, she basically said if I had the requirements done in the fall then I should expect a decision really early, but I guess not. I am just a bit suprised about the SGR, because I wouldā€™ve liked to have my result and been able to start finding a place to live

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are you sure your 44 semester units + your 16 units from your 4 APā€™s are all transferrable? little confused because im in a similar position (except with around 34 semester units completed) but I have not yet received a SGR

Wow really??? I am finishing the math and eng requirement right now in the spring and Iā€™m also applying for Marshall, and Iā€™m a TTP and legacy, yet I have not received a SGR. I mean I did extremely well in the fall semester, as well as in high school. But, I mean Iā€™m expecting a SGR because it seems like if you have any prerequisites in progress, theyā€™ll basically send you a SGR, but Iā€™m also surprised I havenā€™t gotten a SGR yet, although they do send SGRā€™s out the whole month of April. Although maybe coming from a top 40 4-year public university helps? Idk how the whole decision thing worksā€¦

a lot of TTP do not receive a SGR I think it really just depends no one can really predict it. If you are expecting one though they also release them on the same day they release decisions.

@CADREAMIN would you so happen to know how many students apply for sol price each year? I cannot find much info except I know itā€™s a smaller school in comparison to the other schools.

Yes, 100% sure they are all transferable as I go to a CCC, so it is very easy to look and make sure that USC takes the course through the articulation agreements. Maybe it was cause Hs Grades were not the strongest and I got a TTP moreso for being a legacy rather then having strong grades.

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Iā€™m assuming that having a SGR request appear in my portal means I got SGR. I never got a formal response from them or decision. I just checked the portal and there was a SGR request on the checklist that had not been there prior.

Thanks again for your answer. Hopefully getting something this month.

Yes. Forget where I saw that 50% from 2 y and 10% from 4 y for transfer source. It could be that students at 4 y already decided to stick with that school while you have to transfer in 2 y CC.

Yes, thatā€™s a SGR. From reading from others who also received an SGRā€¦ there was no email update/notification. They just checked the portal and notice that they are awaiting something.

Although no one has really confirmed that this is a definite SGR. It seems odd that there would be no email or update in some form. If I wasnā€™t obsessed and constantly checking my portal and CC, I would have absolutely no idea that I had a SGR.

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if i receive a spring grade request and have to wait another 3months for a decision iā€™m not going to be too happy like whatā€™s the whole wait for at this point? usc clearly favors their freshman class over transfer but thatā€™s just my current thoughts. i feel if they cared about us they would be mindful about how some of us need to make commitment decisions to other colleges before we even get a yes or no from USC.

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Decisions will typically come out in May so it wont take 3months.

hi everyone! I am a non TTP applicant, and I just called USC office of undergraduate admission to ask about the new May 31st deadline. I asked if she had a better timeline for when decisions were coming out, and she said she didnā€™t know but she said she knows that counselors are just starting to review transfer applications. Im not sure if thats helpful for anyone, but its nice to know more information!


Does anyone has Jennifer Cox as their counselor? Iā€™m having a hard time contacting her and was worried that might be a bad sign haha but I might be overthinking ofc.

I totally get it. What does it exactly say the portal needs? Iā€™m a non TTP so Iā€™m curious when our time comes for decisions what I should be looking forā€¦ I think clarifying this will also help future applicantsā€¦

yeah thatā€™s the typical response that the office gives to everyone and itā€™s quite quick and efficient especially when thousands of ppl r calling in to ask the same questions. reading through previous threads they have said the same throughout the years even when actual decision release date was nearing.

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thank you that makes me feel a lot better! I am still missing my college transcript, even though i sent it electronically in January which is stressful but they said theyā€™re still searching for it

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Hey guys I know Iā€™m not the only TTP waiting anxiously everyday but I think we shouldnā€™t have our hopes too high for this week because itā€™s always so unpredictable. I think the chances are better next week but good luck everyone we should stop stressing so much itā€™s not good for us LOL. (I could be completely wrong too)