2021-2022 USC Transfer

Today 6 Pm PST decisions

Where did you see this?

Iā€™m just gonna post memes here to ease the

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Whoops wrong thread :joy:

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where did u find that out

pls donā€™t joke around

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i got a question. i wouldnt get ap credit for calc 1 and 2 at usc because i got a 3 on that test but it qualified at the university im at right now and i was able to do calc 3 last semester and doing linear algebra this semester. because i have credit for calc 1/2 here and am doing well in courses ahead of those two, i wouldnt be expected to take it at usc correct? i can just move forward? this is of course assuming im in but just asking how it works

Yes it does

You should see it soon your welcome

Youā€™re wrong sir. Decisions come out at 3:30 PST. Good luck Fellas!!!

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Good luck to all the TTPers!!! Let us know :blush:

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Yah sheā€™s my counselor:)

Looks like some trolls found the thread :roll_eyes:


Please, be courteous of those in the threadā€¦ there is enough pressure and stress on the individual already, there is no need for negativityā€¦ we are ALL aware that USC is highly competitive and the reality is no matter what our how great our grades are, how many people read our essays and said it was perfect, what our recommenders say about how great we are in their lettersā€¦ at the end of the day, we do not really know what the office of admissions is going to decide about our application. We are here to support one another because it is better than being alone during this processā€¦ AGAIN, good luck to all of us, and I do hope we all hear good news in the endā€¦ but if in the unfortunate event it does not work out remember you are wonderful and you should not think any less of yourselfā€¦ we are all destined for great things in our future as long as we do not lose sight of thatā€¦ brush yourself off and try again next year or find an alternate path for your goalsā€¦ there is NEVER just one path.


Could not have said it any better :grin:


yo someone get these low life trolls outta this thread


Yo I like the username :eyes: Eren the undisputed goat

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Hahaha thank u and agreed! Right back atcha, Scorsese makes classics

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Any updates?

no but i want you to explain why u posted ā€œdecisions today 6 PM PSTā€ above