2021-2022 USC Transfer

I just contacted the Common App Support team and they said they are trying to fix the paragraph spacing issue by this afternoon (Prob EST time). Hopefully this problem will be addressed by then so we don’t turn in giant blocks for essays

For the short answer questions, is the character limit 50 or 100?

100 character, i believe.

@DonnieAzoff18 Thank you so much for letting us know! Please keep me posted on this.
I think everyone is experiencing the same issue.

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thanks!! for some reason it only lets me do 50 :confused:

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It just worked for me! I copied and pasted my essays with a space between each paragraph. After I saved the essay, I download my application and paragraphs are separated now.

Where did you paste the essay from? Word or Google Doc? What type of space did you put between each paragraph? Because mine is still not working.

I copied and pasted from Google Docs. I had a line of space between each paragraph and then copied and pasted to the Common App.

Just in case no one has had their transcripts downloaded yet, here is the latest update straight from the source


We are processing documents/ transcripts received as of January 11th. If it was after that time then you will need to give it more time."

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It still hasn’t fixed for me :frowning: Its strange, i have refreshed the page and everything.

same here, still not fixed for me

Contact Common App Help Center, they have a chat to help resolve problems!

Question: Are we allowed to submit official college transcript through the “College Attended” section in common app?

Yes that’s what I did. I mean just as long as it gets to them and it’s official.

Is it ok if my essay does not have lines in between the paragraphs? Each paragraph shows up on a separate line but there is no line break…

omg I just realized that as well. I can’t put in 100 characters… Is this a bug too?

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how much can we go over or under 250 words when it says “approx 250”?

idk…guess we just have to shorten them

When will USC send an email about creating an account for the USC application portal. I just summited my application

I received mine about 12 hours after I submitted my application.