2021-2022 USC Transfer

hey guys! did anyone here apply for engineering? just want to get an idea of how many people possibly applied for engineering too

You are very wise to look at your ROI on tuition. I also have guilt having my parents pay the full tuition at USC, as I will not get any aide. I plan to go to graduate school, so I have a few years of tuition in front of me. I was thinking going to state or a UC, saving money for USC graduate school.

Hopefully decisions are released for us engineering bois this week.

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Just got an SGR. Marshall freshman applicant non-ttp/no legacy. 4.0 gpa. Shocked I got one so early. Wish best of luck to everyone!


are you taking calculus this semester? if you don’t mind me asking

Yup taking both Marshall pre reqs rn. Math and English

You’ve already earned a lot. Wherever you go, you’ll be happy.

is it more common for sophomore transfers to get spring grade requests? I’m a junior transfer but haven’t gotten one yet

how did you know it’d be this week?

is it common for students not to receive a SGR? is it a good indication if a school asks for SGR or does it not really indicate anything?

are you guys able to access the USC fast portal?

I received a spring grade request in my portal on april 12th, and yesterday (April 24th @ 8:22 EST) I finally got an email about it. "Thank you for your continued interest in the University of Southern California and for submitting your application for transfer admission. We have completed a preliminary review of your application file and are writing to request further information.

Specifically, we would like to see the final grades from the most recent spring semester or quarter from the following school(s):"

Just putting this out there. I made an instagram to connect to your fellow 2021 transferring trojans. @uscfall21transfers


I don’t think it really indicates anything. It could be for various reasons, for example: maybe you are a freshman transfer and they need more info so they’ll do a SGR or if you are a sophomore preparing to transfer but maybe you have a major prep course in progress right now so they’ll do a SGR. Or other reasons just cause they can lol :stuck_out_tongue: To put it in perspective, one year I had two friends applying. Both got a SGR but one got in and the other didn’t. Totally random!

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tysm!! my spring semester doesn’t end until around may 11th. lets say I get a SGR tomorrow, do I submit whatever I have now or wait until the semester is over?

a screenshot of your current grades won’t hurt if they’re good! But they’re gonna want transcript at the end



I personally think that the wait time for USC is really long compared to other schools, I feel like making some students wait till July is harsh

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Yeah I think you just submit what you have right now which is “unofficial” and then obviously an official one once you’re done with the semester! I think it’s just to make sure you’re not flunking your classes currently haha

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it’s suchhh a long wait but tbh still worth it even if I get in in July lmao