2021-2022 USC Transfer

If TTP and legacy are starting to hear now, any chance non TTP, Non legacy would hear this week?

Most likely unless they follow last yearā€™s trend. Some non-TTP have heard back already as well.

and also some ttp havent heard back either (myself included)

Oh cool, thanks!

Thank you!

here! junior transfer with no sgr or other update yet^^

hey all! TTP here. I was just admitted on Friday and I know for a fact that I wonā€™t receive financial aid. USC is my dream school but now that Iā€™ve been admitted I feel incredibly guilty about the price and spending so much money. Does anyone have any advice? I love the school but is it worth all of that money?

what are you studying? also what are your other options

Iā€™m a Sociology major but pre-dental student. I was just admitted to Berkeley and Irvine as well and Iā€™m waiting on UCLA.

if you plan on going to dental school no

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save as much money as you can, berk and irvine are amazing schools as well

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Thatā€™s what I think as well. I think saving money is the smarter choice. Thank you for the advice!

why wouldnā€™t go to berk lol or irvine because they are really good for bio

hey, congrats on your acceptance! not so much advice as it is my own personal opinion, but iā€™m in the same boat of assuming that iā€™m not going to get a hefty aid package.

but i figure i saved myself 2 years worth of tuition going the cc route and i told myself i wouldnā€™t be phased by how much the price tagā€™s gonna be. but thatā€™s considering my options and seeing so far iā€™m paying near sticker price for practically all of em :sweat:

maybe thatā€™s just me being ballsy, but in all honesty go with your gut! youā€™ve got some awesome options to choose from as a testament to how hard you worked! wishing all the best :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


For anyone who filed for financial aid, does your ā€œfastā€ portal still say nothing has been received? Does anyone know when it will change? I completed my FAFSA well in advance as well as submitting the CSS on time so Iā€™m wondering if everyoneā€™s just takes a while or if I should be worried?

has anyone who is non-ttp who applied to Annenberg found out?

thank you so much! Thatā€™s amazing advice. Wishing you the best and good luck!

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As I wind down checking in on cc religiously, I just want to give everyone my best well wishes and I hope to see many of you on campus this fall! I know each and every one of you will succeed no matter where you go and college is only the first step to doing what you want to do. I know it will be rough for many of you who are waiting for that status update but just know that it is worth it and I know that the first word youā€™ll read will be Congratulations! I want to thank many of you for your support, advice, and encouragement and if anyone has any specific questions they would want to ask about my Viterbi application you are welcome to send me a direct message. Best of luck and Fight On! :v:


I would contact the financial aid office. Nothing to be worried though since they donā€™t have a strict deadline

Ok, thanks for all your help!!