2021-2022 USC Transfer

I know there’s an IG page for the class of 2024 @2024_usc . There’s also this FB group for 2024 students

Did any Non TTP / Non Legacy Roski applicants get in or get SGR?

Anyone that applied to interactive media here?

Re-sent HS transcript. Hopefully it doesn’t delay my decision


I also applied to roski! no updates yet. I am TPP.

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What major and stats? Lmk when you get a decision!

hi everyone, im a lurker who just had a question about sending in electronic transcripts- where did everyone send theirs to? i sent mine in late january, got an email saying they were received by USC on feb 2. i just got an email last week saying they were apparently never received and i still need to send them in. i originally sent them electronically through my college to USC’s undergraduate admissions office, is this the correct place to send them to? thank you in advance, good luck everyone! (:

*i already emailed my counselor who forwarded my info to USC’s processing department, just want to make sure im sending them to the right place!

You can send them to etrans@usc.edu


Thanks. I also found a bunch of housing groups. I hope someone creates a 2021-22 transfer group because that would help a lot with housing and roomates

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I applied to BA/BFA Art. Attended CCC, my college GPA is currently 3.72. hby? And ofc! also lmk if you receive a decision/update, wish you the best!

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I applied as a junior BFA design major, and I go to SMC, a CCC. I have a 3.87 gpa now but it should go up soon. Best of luck to you as well! I’ll let you know once I get a decision too.

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Correct place

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USC is opening up their campus in fall, right?

Happy Monday everyone, wanted to take a short break from the forum to clear my mind… hope everyone had a good weekend. I saw a few new names so welcome… another week in progress… let’s hope for more good news to the group


And as of right now usc said they are opening up for fall. Of course it all depends on how things progress during the next few months…

They seem pretty optimistic about the reopening of campus this Fall. I’m sure they’re gonna require students to be vaccinated prior to getting on campus


I got accepted to NYU’s game program and learned that they offer no aid to transfers and was looking at the 75k price tag like :eye::lips::eye:. Praying for usc to let me in lmaoo

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congrats on NYU! My brother is a transfer student there and loves it. Expensive af tho man praying for u

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Have external gallatin applicants heard back cuz ik that acceptances come out first? So I don’t really think its rolling