***2022-2023 Medical School Applicants and Their Parents ***

Just an update that DS had a good cycle. 7 interviews and 3 acceptances, 1 A with a full tuition ride which is where he will most likely commit.


@texaspg Thanks for your suggestions! I am happy to say that I got accepted to both Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS) and Texas Tech at Lubbock Paul L. Foster School of Medicine (PLFSOM). Do you have any opinion on which school is better? Thanks!


Congratulations @Hopeful_Soul_101!

As a Texas resident, I know Texas med schools are very inexpensive, especially if they offer you a $1000 scholarship and make you instate for tuition.

I dont know if you are instate for EVMS but if you are not, you might be spending an extra 120k to 160k over 4 years depending on whether you get that instate waiver in El Paso. I dont know if EVMS is that much better if you are OOS. If you are instate and it is close to home you may prefer staying close.

El Paso is a border school and so some of things are done differently there. You start 4-8 weeks early (not sure exact dates) just to be learning medical spanish even if you are considered fluent in spanish. So some of your experiences might be different and you might become very wellversed in serving hispanic populations. It is also possible that obgyn and pediatrics interests might be very well served there. One of my neighbors started last year at Case for pediatrics residency from Foster and they interviewed at a lot of well known residencies.

@Hopeful_Soul_101 congratulations on your two acceptances. I think either would be a good choice depending on where you currently live…and perhaps what you hope to do in the future.

@Hopeful_Soul_101 is CA resident. So both are out of state.
Applicant wants to know if the above 2 schools offer any aid or ask them at this stage?
@texaspg Is texas school private or public? On a quick glance saw MD tuition fee in the order of $57k for OOS which I thought very high for TX.
Appears both similar fees like $57 & $63k.
Besides cost, what is the recommendation for best learning experience? Thanks.

@goldenrock - Texas instate is 20k and oos 30k as you are aware! where are you seeing this big number?

i do see PLFSOM is tacking on additional fees of 5-6k making the difference almost 15k but we dont know if they are doing 1k for non-residents or not.


I believe for a Cal resident planning to go back to Cal, PLFSOM is more recommended than EVMS primarily because Cal and Texas have large hispanic populations.

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Thanks @texaspg . I looked at the wrong column which is for total including R&B for $63k. Just tuition is $36k for OOS. Which is a good savings compare to Eastern Virginia.

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If @Hopeful_Soul_101 can swing instate tuition that would be a savings of 15k an year. Not sure if PLFSOM offers it as a standard OOS incentive or not.