2023 Track Recruits for NESCACs and other Top Division III Schools

My son has been speaking with some NESCAC coaches, as well as coaches from other high academic DIII schools. He submitted info to several NESCAC coaches a few weeks ago, but hasn’t heard back yet. Have other Track and Field recruits already heard back from NESCAC schools? Thanks!

I will let the track and field parents answer part of your question about timing - in my opinion your son should be checking back in and not waiting to hear back. Reiterate he is excited about the team and school, maybe a quick update about his sport or anything of interest and just let the coach know he is still out there.

I used to hire a lot in my work life, if applicants didn’t go the extra mile with a follow up, I presumed they were not interested, took their experience for granted and wouldn’t be a good fit - so I moved on. I told my daughter (a d1 recruit not track) the same thing - follow up every week or two with your interest. Coach fit and communication style is important!


Thanks! He has been reluctant to “harass” the coaches, but I think he needs to be more proactive with following up. I think he is getting worried that the coaches have gone with other track recruits over him.

It’s normal for kids to feel that way. But coaches don’t view an occasional check-in as harassment. I’d probably check in to see how things are going. If the coaches are prioritizing other recruits he shouldn’t take it personally. It happens to most recruits for a bunch of different reasons. Better to know now so he can do something about it, like casting a wider net or solidifying a back-up plan.

The nice thing about track is he can probably continue no matter where he goes to school, even if he isn’t recruited. Smaller schools usually take walk-ons and medium to large schools usually have club teams.


Your son thinks that the coaches aren’t interested in him because they haven’t reached out to him. That being the case, what do you think the coaches think about your son’s demonstrated interest in their program? If he has stopped communicating with them, they probably think that he has found or prefers other programs over theirs.

Honestly, recruiting is the heart of a coach’s job. Communicating in a professional way about recruiting makes the coach’s job easier. Unless you are a really rude person, there is no harassing.

If a coach doesn’t want your kid, communicating will have no effect. If your kid is on the bubble, then communicating well could have a positive effect.

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