2026 BFA Prescreen Results

Thanks for the information. We have been wondering about Molloy.

My D FINALLY heard back from Ithaca. She passed her pre-screen, yay!!!



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im sure you will very soon!!! good luck!

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Heard from Molloy/CAP21 (pass) just now in case anyone else is waiting too.


Same here, FINALLY!!




Congrats! We got good news from Malloy too, submitted on 10/2.


hey all! this is my first post, so i hope everything is tagged right, etc.

i was wondering if anyone has heard from the boston conservatory in regards to the musical theatre early action prescreen? i sent in my application in november 1st, so i guess if they were first come first notified i would be last, but i’m really anxious to know. do they notify you even if you don’t pass, or do you just never hear from them? and do they bump unsuccessful early applications into the regular decision pool, or not?

thank you :))

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BOCO sent out notices of passing the prescreens about 2 weeks ago. I am not sure if they sent out no’s also. I have a friend whose D didn’t get a yes or no. I feel like unless you get a no, there’s still hope.

Anyone heard of BOCO sending out prescreen no’s?


My D applied EA 10/4 and still hasn’t heard anything either way, although at this point I’m starting to assume they are just going to dump all the no’s at once soon because plenty of people with yes’s were informed 2 weeks ago so they could audition in person this coming weekend.


My D applied to Boco in early September and hasn’t heard anything. I know there were a batch of “yes” replies sent out, but not sure if any “no” responses have been sent. Also, wonder if not hearing anything means to plan for a no or ??? So hard to make an audition schedule when still waiting for numerous pre-screen results!


Congrats! when did you submit?

If you are asking about Molloy, we submitted 9/27 and heard back 11/29.

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FYI: Two years ago BoCo also had a prescreen waitlist I believe.

Starting to lose it!! Better me than my daughter. Any helpful hints how to stay sane? Waiting for a few more prescreens and auditions starting soon. Now just waiting for a few EA results. This process is not for the faint of heart!!!

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Did anyone hear from BU, UMich and Fordham on prescreens(non EA/ED)? I know Fordham has communicated for those who asked for a December audition date.

Anyone attending Indiana University Auditions this Saturday Dec 4th?

Haven’t heard anything yet.

I’m a mom BTW and my son is applying for acting- not sure why I picked this user name :joy:

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