2026 BFA Prescreen Results

  • : ( omg ok w a space this is what i meant
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S applied to UMich 11/9 and heard back today 12/17. (no)

They only do one liberal arts class per semester and the rest is all organized by the drama dept, very structured and rigorous schedule! My kid is very happy there too. (2nd year)! The app deadline is Jan 19. BAL!


The wait can be a good thing possibly? :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:We emailed them earlier this week about scheduling and haven’t heard back. Thinking they are just super busy trying to get everything done before break.

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just got a prescreen pass from michigan! around 4pm on 12/17


yup umich results out today! no for dd

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I’m sorry. :heart: We have nothing from umich- I went to her application portal and no updates. Not sure what to think about this. They have everything.

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We have not heard anything, either. :confused:

When did you submit? My D was 11/15. Maybe it is in waves because I did hear from some people who heard the first week of December.

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One of the reasons my son chose Syracuse for Acting BFA, he did not have to to take a required math class! He is loving the program and Syracuse U.



D applied on 12/2. So many essays…:rofl: That was the last school she applied to.

:rofl: Yes I was surprised by the amount of writing she had to do for so many of the schools. There are other people waiting to hear besides your D and my D!

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Darn promotions folder! My daughter found Webster in there. She called and left message. She has the date but not the time. Montclair was buried as well.

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Glad you found it! That’s awesome! The Webster people have been so fantastic to deal with.


My d heard back from UMich today also… it was also a no. Still waiting on CCM!

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i was waitlisted for a boco audition on nov 30, just got the “unable to offer you an audition email” a few minutes ago. 12/17. congrats to anyone who got off the waitlist !


congrats on umich! DD is opposite from you….boco yes umich no. :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


oh haha! i’m trusting the process for me and your d that everyone ends up where they’re meant to be <3


Same for my daughter!


Yes, Belmont does rolling admissions for both academics and program. They only notify by snail mail. My daughter (BUMT2024) applied academically in September of her senior year and received her acceptance within 2-3 weeks (side note: a Belmont recruiter was on her high school campus in early October and they called her down to the high school office to meet her and tell her in person which we thought was a nice touch; she received her letter in the mail a couple of days later).

She auditioned in January and received her program acceptance in the mail literally 3 weeks from the day she auditioned.

BTW, She absolutely loves Belmont and the MT program along with its faculty & staff.

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