2026 BFA Prescreen Results

My daughter is at Belmont; she loves it there. Feel free to message me with any questions!

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Right??? Waiting to hear about SETC prescreen results as well as the cast lists for this spring’s shows. Sometimes I think it’s harder on us than them LOL


Two years ago CCM waited so long to respond we found out a few days it was a no before unifieds. People were losing it!! They said it was maybe bc it was their first year doing prescreens


Oh gosh!! That is wild. Well I will stop checking then and it will come when it comes.

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My D was accepted to the school and when I asked about the MT program, they said her fine arts letter is in the mail. Hope that is a good thing! :pray:


hi! another update. yesterday i received my first rejections! it’s very comical to me that i got them the same day haha.
cmu and umich both sent me a no. i then however, received a yes from the manhattan school of music! so thats very exciting!

as of now:
boco: yes
ithaca: yes
manhattan school of music: yes
roosevelt: yes
cmu: no
umich: no
ccm: unheard
emerson: unheardeard
pace: unheard
nazareth: unheard

i cant lie and say it did hurt a bit, but im very grateful that ive started off with 4 yes’s! it definitely helped cushion the blow of these two. i am confident that each of us will end up where we belong : )


didn’t hurt* unheard* oops!


Sounds like you are doing really well so far. Congratulations on all of your passes! Sorry about the no’s. :frowning:

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thank you so much! and it’s no worries! rejection is normal in this process.



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@baph That is a wonderful attitude! :grin:

@jupdancemom Thank you! The envelope hasn’t come yet, so we still don’t know. :flushed:

Ugh!!! I remember how nerve wracking it was checking the mail every day and waiting for that envelope; Belmont was her first choice :grimacing:. It was a long week! You’ll have to keep me posted - now I need to know!

PS ours was a single page letter so don’t panic if it’s a thin envelope.


just heard back from emerson. pass!



I will definitely update as soon as it comes! We got the big envelope today, saying she was admitted academically, but nothing from the fine arts department. :frowning: So nerve-wracking!!! The suspense of this whole process kills me, especially waiting on snail mail! :crazy_face:


My son felt the same way - the fewer GenEd requirements the better. He also preferred programs that didn’t require students to take math. He did not apply to Elon or NYU for this reason. They both have heavy academic loads.



My D feels the same way about math, lol. Where did your son end up?

Interesting! It’s a little hard to tell from the college websites. Do you happen to know of programs with less requirements? I know UNCSA and Syracuse have less but not quite sure about Emerson yet (he’s accepted there and very excited!) thanks!


D is at NYU and does not have to take math. That would have been a deal breaker.


Anyone else waiting on UMich? It seems like everyone has gotten their prescreen results. I was thinking of having my D email them before they leave for their Christmas break. Thoughts, anyone?