2026 BFA Prescreen Results

Still waiting for acting. We can check the YouTube video and see it hasn’t been viewed yet either. Who knows?

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Last year MT and acting prescreen from UMich came out at different times. Acting was several weeks after MT.


Is the general consensus that we simply won’t hear from these schools until after the New Year? Thinking of Michigan, BU, Guthrie, and USC. I guess I want to be able to put it out of my mind. Funny that my D doesn’t seem to be focused on this wait. Also, thinking that many of these in person (for her NYC auditions) will be moved remote. Other than BU the schools haven’t said( and Unifieds says they are still planning to go ahead) but COVID numbers in NYC are bad again.

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D emailed UMich. This is what they said-

"Hello Cahlyn,

Thank you for your continued interest in the School of Music, Theatre & Dance! And thank you for checking. At this time we do not require any additional materials from you. Please know that we are continuing to review applications, and that we are hoping to send all prescreening decisions by the end of December.

And please let us know if you have any further questions!


The SMTD Admissions Team

University of Michigan
School of Music, Theatre & Dance
Office of Admissions
P: 734.764.0593
F: 734.763.5097"


is anyone still waiting on pace? they said they’d send prescreen decisions within two weeks and i submitted mine over two weeks ago. does it look bad if i email them, should i just be patient?

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My D heard back from Pace pretty quickly. I don’t think it hurts to email them and check in. :slight_smile:


He’s a freshman at Syacuse in the Actor/Singer track. He loves it so much!

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My son is at Syracuse and is super happy. And you are right - he has to take about one non-arts class per semester, and math is not a requirement. During the process, we downloaded sample curricula from each of the schools on his list. He was looking for a “conservatory style” program, so if there were too many GenEds he’d take them off his list. The BFAs at Webster, BW, CMU, UNCG, Fordham, U of MN Guthrie, SUNY Purchase, BU, & DePaul all have pretty low percentage of GenEds compared to artistic (under 30%). The highest (50%) are NYU and UCLA.


I should add that there are some kids who have to take VERY few academic classes - in some cases none - because they took a ton of APs in HS. This was not my son :slight_smile:

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And shockingly many conservatories will accept very low AP scores for credit, my S got credit for a 3!


My D did the “early prescreen decision” when she applied, but her bestie did not and if I remember correctly they heard back the week between Christmas and New Years.


What about Hartt? Are people still waiting?

We’re waiting. We got an email (response from an email we’d sent about something) saying D’s portfolio “has been transitioned to the next phase for the Theatre panel to assess,” so I’m hoping we hear something soon.


prescreen pass for Nazareth today! yay! just waiting on a few more!


Thank you so much for all the information. Much appreciated! My son won’t be able to opt out of any GenEd classes either :slight_smile: :grinning: We’ll have to see what options he has after this process moves along. He’s hoping to pass the prescreen at BU and excited for his Syracuse and UNCSA auditions! Thanks again!

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BAL and all the good wishes to your son!

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Super happy over here because I got into The New School’s BFA EA a few days ago!
I’m on a gap year as last year’s applications were rushed and I ended up not loving my options.

no prescreen audition: NYU, Juilliard, Emerson

prescreens passed: Fordham, Ithaca, DePaul

waiting on: Guthrie, USC

submitting Pace, Marymount Mnahattan, CalArts this week

bal to everyone!


thank you so much!!

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has anyone heard back from CCM or Columbia College Chicago? these are the only pre-screen results i’m waiting for

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