2026 BFA Prescreen Results

did you ever hear from

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@dharmawins Nope :confused:

You may already know about this, if notā€¦Belmontā€™s Christmas at Belmont performance '21 was broadcast on PBS. Here is the link if you are interested. It truly is fantastic and reflects their outstanding Performing Arts/Music program, all performed by students https://www.pbs.org/show/christmas-belmont/?fbclid=IwAR1yMtQHgr1bts1F3mr8Y3tuBP67kWIzYz7mwFHQEgfGCeRRSccw2jLLV00

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Just curious if anyone knows what it means if we have not heard anything from CCM? We see some posting about no pass for prescreens. Wondering if anyone has heard of any yes to prescreens yet? How have they done this in the past?

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It really was amazing!


Just heard from University of Arizona BFA Mt prescreen pass. Yay! Now just waiting on Wagner College admission in order to schedule audition!!!

Congrats to all hearing good news!


Not getting a no is a good thing. I havenā€™t heard of anyone getting a yes from CCM today. I am sure someone must have. Maybe their yeses are going out a different day?

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@mom2eden Awesome! Congrats! Was it an email?

It was an email and in the portal as well!

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@mom2eden D just checked her portal- nothing.

The MT Juniors and Seniors had a segment, but it also highlighted the vast amount of vocal performance groups and opportunities available at Belmont.

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@mtmamapapa i donā€™t know what it means but youā€™re not alone because we havenā€™t heard either. I know no news is still good because itā€™s not a no but itā€™s still a bit unsettling.
Guess itā€™s just more good practice for post-audition waiting!


just got a prescreen rejection from pace. too bad bc they had offered me a scholarship w academic acceptance, but ig itā€™ll all work out in the end :upside_down_face:


yes, they are known for that! Good luck going forward!!

CCM passes are out! My D got one for acting.




Thank you!

@EBart01 congrats!

My daughter passed for MT.


We had the same situation here. Academic acceptance with a major honors program and scholarships but didnā€™t pass the prescreen. Sorry that happened to you too!


how soon after the academic acceptance did you guys hear about the prescreen? I submitted my prescreen and application a little over two weeks ago and Iā€™m still waiting for that result, but I got my academic acceptance today

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