2026 BFA Prescreen Results

We actually got the prescreen results first, and they came pretty quickly, within a couple of weeks. We didn’t hear anything for another couple of weeks and then got the academic acceptance with the scholarship award. What a rollercoaster.


Well, my D got a no from Arizona. :frowning: Thankfully, this was not one of her top choices.

She has two left she is waiting on now-

Elon, which won’t be out for a month
and UMich, which is supposed to be out before the end of the year.


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BAL- she has had great results!

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Boston University question: my student received an email that said “Application Materials Still Needed.” When she goes to her portal, the only thing missing is there is a spot for audition and also for midterm grades. Anyone else get this email? Is everyone showing the audition in the portal under Admissions Materials, with status showing as an icon of a red document? MyBU Applicant Portal Login | Admissions

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Long post regarding academic decisions: Academic decisions are completely separate from prescreen decisions. Sometimes the admissions folks have no information about prescreens, they just handle the other side of admissions. Many programs gave coordinators that don’t know the academic standing of a student. The reason MT programs want you to apply to the school is because they don’t want you to come and audition if there is no chance for you to be admitted. I worked at a program pre “Acceptd” and we had early auditions in November and would have students we wanted to admit but they were not admissible to the university.

All this is to say even if the university admits you and gives you a scholarship you may never get a prescreen pass. We had to withdraw my D’s application from only 2 schools for no prescreen passes. She was admitted to both schools with great scholarships. It’s just the process:)


My daughter got a pass for MT from CCM today :slight_smile:


Anyone still waiting on Steinhardt?

My S didn’t get that email but the status page looks the same. It will be nice to have all of this done with and just move on to the auditions! :joy:


Curious if you know anything about the alternate scenario? What if kids pass prescreens for the MT department at schools with tougher academic requirements? Does the MT program’s decision have any weight against the school? Or, if a kid has already passed their MT prescreen but is not accepted to the school, are auditions just cancelled?

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Where I worked the theatre faculty could request a “talent admit” if the student was borderline academically but the program wanted their talent.

Schools won’t usually cancel an application without the student asking because they want you at the school and may suggest different majors, ie come undeclared or directed to BA Theatre etc. I cancelled the two my D got no on prescreen so we would stop getting emails:)

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I had no idea we were supposed to notify the school if we weren’t going. I just assumed if we were going, we’d send a deposit, and if not, we wouldn’t and they would figure it out, LOL. This is all new to me!

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Thanks! That’s interesting to know. Since these BFA programs are so competitive and the prescreen “no” decision holds so much weight, I’m hoping the prescreen “yes” decision has the same respect with the university. Thanks again for the info and have a great holiday!


UMICH letter came out now for acting.


Michigan acting out today for my D- with a pass- creating a very happy mood here on the East coast today. BAL to all.


Yes- we just got ours as well. All audition options for my very happy daughter were online. I think we see this moving forward with many programs. BAL to all.


Some schools like UMich you won’t get a prescreen pass unless you meet the academic ok. I think there are a couple where they seem quite separate but rare to see an academic rejection after even an audition full bfa yes.


It is common courtesy to withdraw application, if one is not attending that school, not a hard rule. If one is not accepted to school, nothing has to be done. However, you do not have to do withdraw until you ultimately choose the school student is attending. My best advice, wait till all auditions are completed, all acceptances are in, financial/merit money is confirmed and when College choice is made.


Adding to even more confusion. We had a school that my daughter got into academically last year and got rejected artistically. Then, got an email late spring/ early summer that they had reconsidered and we’re now offering her a spot in the BFA MT program. She had other schools higher on her list so didn’t want to accept but it made me think that it’s probably good to keep options as open as you can until you really have all the decisions in!


@elizabethdrama22 Congratulations! :blush:

I feel like we are the only ones who haven’t heard from UMich yet. :sob:

Thank you! It has to be soon! Crossing fingers!

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