<p>Okay, just finished the test and completely saddened. </p>
<li>I took this test before.. And it wasn't even that long ago..</li>
<li>The really sad part is if I took this test not so long ago, I SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN A HIGH SCORE. Bull. I got a 204. And I mega ****ed, saddened, and angry.</li>
<p>I got (parentheses will include what sort of errors I got wrong):
CR: 64 (Word in context, SC, not understanding a very simple word such as "qualify", "breadth")
W: 64 (not realizing comma splice error, participle error (basing it vs Based), verb tenses, diction)
M: 76 (Geometric reflections)</p>
<p>I need to improve my CR and W. I think writing would be easier to improve. But I need CR tips. HELP! PSAT IS LESS THAN 2 WEEKS AWAY!</p>