21 Yrs Old, Mech Engineering - International Student

<p>Hey guys!</p>

<p>Well I am looking for some stone cold advise here.. what are my chances of getting into UF given I am 21 years old and would like to pursue a Mechanical Engineering Degree?? O and did I mention I will need a scholarship and I am an International Student!!</p>

<p>Thanks in advance guys!! Be blunt I have had some health setbacks among other things in my life and it is time to get going and get that degree!!</p>

<p>Thanks for the advise once again!!</p>

<p>how do you compare yourself with in-state applicants? i’m not sure we could do a whole lot to help you, since metrics used elsewhere are very different than those used here.</p>

<p>All I can tell you is there is a good amount of engineering students that are much older than you. University cannot take your age into consideration for admissions, well at least they are not supposed to. </p>

<p>UF itself doesn’t really give out too many scholarships to undergrads, you would have to look at external sources.</p>

<p>Also, if you are from a country that is underrepresented, it would actually help your chances greatly since UF wants to be diverse.</p>