240 NMF's in the freshman class

<p>This according to son who just returned from the dinner. </p>

<p>That’s a lot. Kind of an ironic number, dontcha think?</p>

<p>Any details about the dinner? I know D won’t give me any.</p>

<p>That is awesome. Thanks for the info!</p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>His mom got a text saying it was a nice dinner. I had to specifically ask about the number. That’s probably the extent of the info we will receive.</p>

<p>Oh… He did say they told him they did not receive his contract for his iPad. He has to go to the Ferg tomorrow to sign a new one.</p>

<p>Wow…240 NMFs!<br>
240 NMFs…lol…yes, ironic!</p>


<p>Last fall there were 182. The year before I think there were about 125. The year before had (I think) about 100.</p>

<p>That’s over 600 NMFs on campus this fall.</p>

<p>Sounds like that is probably the reason they reduced the scholarship for the high school class of 2013…too expensive for so many kids!</p>

<p>There was cake that tasted like key-lime pie. That’s all I got, and am flattered he gave me that much…</p>



<p>OK, I’m stoopid. What’s the irony?</p>

<p>240 = max PSAT. Pretty certain that score gets you NMF in any state!</p>


<p>(actually a score of 223 is historically the highest cut-off for any state.)</p>

<p>“Kind of an ironic number, dontcha think?”</p>

<p>I think you mean coincidental…irony means something else entirely.</p>

<p>The cake was weird…but kinda good? I had never had anything like that before. The other food was pretty good though! Sweet tea out the wazoo <3 the speeches were okay–one guy was really funny!</p>

<p>O-o-o-o-o-h. I thought slippy might have been referring to the Honey Badger’s THC level or some such LSWho minutiae. :)</p>

<p>Thanks for the info.</p>

<p>This helps explain why they changed the housing award on the scholarship. 40+ extra kids… that’s 10 extra 4-person suites they have to come up with… for FOUR YEARS.</p>

<p>Bamagirl…what was the cake like? Was it Red Velvet? (Dark Red cake that kind of tastes like chocolate.) The first time I ever saw/tasted a Red Velvet cake was in the South, but I know that it’s become popular elsewhere now, too.</p>

<p>I’ll have to ask my son about the dinner. I know he was going, as he called just before to chat. He was one of the honors ambassadors.</p>

<p>Son and his roommate got their iPads today. He facetimed his mom. Made her day. He’s having a blast.</p>

<p>^^^Of course he is, slippy. It’s Bama.</p>

<p>Now, can we get a Roll Tide out of you? :)</p>

<p>CC recruiting has gone into overdrive!</p>

<p>Hope Bama does not feel a need to curtail the extraordinary merit scholarship program they have in place.</p>

<p>How did they change the housing scholarship? That’s kind of depressing. So, they get more academic achievers…and give 'em less? Oh well, I guess it’s still better than what they could get anywhere else.</p>