240 NMF's in the freshman class

<p>It would be interesting to know how many NMFs go greek.</p>


<p>There isn’t anyone that tracks that. There’s no reporting of: “If you’re NMF and have pledged, report here.” The same with other very high test scores kids. There isn’t a way to track kids with very high test scores who pledge.</p>

<p>I didn’t think there would be…but I am still interested in knowing…if anyone has any anecdotal info.</p>

<p>I did see somewhere that there were big groups of PNMs walking to recruitment from the Honors Dorms…so sounds like at least SOME do go Greek.</p>

<p>My daughter is a NMF and Greek. There are quite a few NMF and Fellows in her sorority. I wish she could use her housing scholarship to live in the house with her friends, but we are holding her to the free dorm at least for now. She will be a senior next year, so we are letting her live where she chooses, either the house or an apartment with sisters.</p>

<p>I’m almost positive that Momofonly1’s D was an NMF; and I know she’s in a sorority. The only time I’ve heard girls having a conflict between an Honors College thing and a Sorority thing was when trying to do both Alabama/Outdoor Action and Recruitment Week; last girl I knew who did both was Omama’s D back in 2009; doesn’t mean there weren’t more but they might not post on CC.</p>

<p>Momofonly1’s daughter and mine are pledge sisters. There are occasional conflicts with Honors activities and sorority activities, but there are always multiple things to do on any given day. They just have to prioritize.</p>

<p>Lady - the NMF scholarship now only includes one year of housing. I have a dd13 that will either be NMSF or miss it by one point but her ACT and SAT are way above what her PSAT score was - so she had a not so good day when she took the PSAT - and she only took the ACT and the SAT once too. I think sometimes they may have kids with higher scores that don’t get the the NMF scholarship that they want to keep the full tuition for too and there is just so much money. Really for my dd the only difference now is the one year room (and the IPad). It will make it so she doesn’t feel like she has to choose Bama or if she does stay on campus. Just my opinion!</p>



<p>I can’t imagine why it would matter (it doesn’t seem to me that there’s any big difference between NMFs and other Honors kids, especially when it comes to social stuff), but I wouldn’t think there are any barriers to a NMF going Greek, like there might be with kids who are doing OA or AA, or kids in a time consuming program like MDB or CBH. When we were moving D into Ridgecrest West, we saw LOTS of girls in the honors dorms heading down to sorority row, so there certainly are many, many honors students in sororities.</p>

<p>ahsmuoh – Gosh!!! Only one year of housing? Waaaaaah. Gosh, I hope they reconsider and reinstate the richer scholarship deal. It is such a magnet for NMFs, and I’m sure it boosts donor $$ down the line, too.</p>

<p>Lady Dianeski – you must have missed the big and contentious thread about the NMF scholarship change earlier this summer – it was around the beginning of July. I would link you to it, but let’s just say that for the sake of forum harmony, I’m hoping that we don’t open up that can of worms again.</p>

<p>beth’s mom, I think it would be interesting to know too, for high stats kids and for NMF’s. Maybe a few other populations too. I would also be curious about the types of majors that Greek students have too, and what that scatter plot might look like. </p>

<p>Not because I think it matters one bit as far as the student goes, or about the school, or even about the greek system for that matter. I especially do not think those stats say anything about an individual student. But I think that info is interesting, and I am curious. Some people are stats people, and like to read that type of thing. </p>

<p>As an example, there is a thread on CC right now about college binge drinking and happiness. I asked questions about “other” stats in that thread too. Mostly out of curiosity.</p>

<p>Anecdotally, S is Greek & has the Presidential. He says there are many honors students who go Greek & several in his house.</p>

<p>My son thinks that “not many” of the students at the NMF dinner are going Greek – especially as far as the guys are concerned.</p>

<p>My son is a NMF who is president of his fraternity. He has said in the past there are several young men in his fraternity who have NMF status or the Presidential scholarship. Several are engineering or pre-med/pre-law students. My son is an econ/political science major with minors in CBHP and math. His roommate is also in his fraternity and is a chem engineering/political science major with a minor in CBHP.</p>

<p>A girl in my AA group also rushed. don’t know how she pulled it off.</p>

<p>My son is a NMF, attended OA as a freshman, is Greek (head of recruiting for his fraternity, which has at least one other NMF and a Boren Scholar), is double majoring, is taking 18 credits this semester in addition to assuming the responsibilities of a Moral Forum Scholar, has a girlfriend, works out, and thinks life just couldn’t be better. Now that I read this, I’m wondering if he has a manic disorder. </p>

<p>Is there a doctor in the house? :)</p>

<p>Wow, Malanai, what did you feed him growing up!!?? :-)</p>

<p>I guess it is “okay” to be an NMF in a GLO, then. Good.</p>



<p>Pineapple, guava, coconut, taro, and a gallon of Kona coffee daily. :)</p>

<p>TXArchitect, why would they have an issue with NMFs?</p>