240 NMF's in the freshman class

<p>I had always assumed they, or anyone, would see it as a positive.</p>

<p>I love the Hawaiian energy diet: sounds like a patent waiting to be applied for!</p>

<p>And the lovely “Pineapple Showers” they have daily must work like pixie dust on the young’ens!!!</p>

<p>TXA, your PM box is full.</p>


<p>Can we make this thread sticky, at the top of the list of threads?</p>

<p>My D is a high stat kid, but not NMF. Being from the ‘North’ I was pretty nervous about D getting into a sorority. I remember coming upon a number that while the general campus Greek affiliation was around 30% +/-, that is was actually higher in the Honors dorms, maybe around 38%. D met a lot of girls in RCS-N that Rushed and walks with a group to her new house.</p>

<p>I am sure that the acceptance rate is higher among the Honors kids since they have the GPA that would be desired and are great at prioritizing.</p>

<p>^^^Music to my ears^^^</p>

<p>Haven’t looked at this thread until today. I’ve been busy trying to figure out how we are going to host the approximately 20 kids coming to stay at our house for the Alabama/Michigan game next weekend!</p>

<p>As catfan and RobD mentioned, my D is a NMF, a Fellow, and on exec for her sorority. She is very involved in the Honors College Ambassadors, Honors College Student Advisory Board and works as an intern with UFE. She and catfan’s D are pledge sisters and I believe there is at least one other NMF in their pledge class. It is definitely not looked down upon!</p>