25 (Feb 2009) to 33 (April 2009)

<p>ENG: 25
MATH: 28

<p>I know that it is possible to get to that 33 benchmark because I'm pretty sure it has been done before and I really want to be done with it, just like everybody else. </p>

<p>Are there any suggestions, tips, books, etc. that I can use? Especially for those scores of a lower English/Reading scores? </p>

<p>I used the PR review book for the Feb test date... is there a stronger book for the specific sections? If so, please do tell me, it'd be greatly appreciated! </p>


<p>From a 25 to a 33 in two months, after you’ve already gone through an entire review book, and considering that your lowest scores are in Reading and Science (the two sections which are the hardest to improve in)? Impossible. </p>

<p>Sorry, but it’s better that someone tell you now. You need to face reality. If you shoot for anything higher than a 29-31 you are going to be disappointed.</p>

<p>Before anyone flames me, consider this: </p>

<p>A 25 is usually somewhere around the 80th percentile. A 33 is usually around the 99.5th percentile. In other words, a 33 is a 1 in 200 score. A 25 is a 1 in 5 score. The OP is basically saying, “I want to improve my score forty-fold in two months.”</p>

<p>Yeah, it is very possible. Get the Red Book and practice from there… This being the flow:</p>

<p>Do 1 practice test in a subject.
Look over your answers.
Do the second practice test.
Look over your answers and compare the questions to see which you are missing.
Now go back to the first practice test, even though you know some of the answers, and finish that.
See if you made a perfect 36 in that subject. If not, compare the missed answers to the previous missed answers.
Do the second test, following the above step.</p>

<p>Compose a strategy that will help you topple those questions when you take the final, 3rd, test. You should see improvement. I am sure this will help in Reading, espcially. Honestly, most of the answers require common sense.</p>

<p>As for the Science, you probably SHOULDN’T time yourself. I would advise you to use 1 Science test and slowly work through the problems, analyzing the graphs so you can better interpret them. Then do the second test WITH THE TIME and see if there is any improvement, comparing scores.</p>

<p>Really, it is a TEDIOUS process. But, if you can pump in 3 hours of prepping a day, from now until April, you WILL see an increse. You may not get the 33, but a 29 or a 30 surely makes you competitive. :)</p>

<p>Yeah. I got a 26 on the Feb. I’m aiming for 30+ on April.</p>

<p>Thank you VandyPrayer. I recently got the Red Book and I plan to use it to my fullest extent! I will follow your procedure to my best ability and hopefully will see improvement. </p>

<p>Rocket Surgery, I totally understand the “lack of possibility” here. I just need to take the steps to being able to get a better score, that’s all I ask for. A 33 is my “desired” goal, but I might fall short of it and hey, I hope I can get the good score …</p>

<p>I don’t expect a 33, strike lucky, situation, but if I get close, I would be greatly pleased.</p>

<p>lol u totally gained my respect amaster, I got a 30 and Im aiming at 33-34 on the April one. Best luck to you and lets work hard as hell XD!</p>

<p>My friend got a 24 on his 1st ACT and just got a 32 on the last one. You can definitely improve if you study a lot.</p>


<p>I didn’t know that you were just looking to improve. From your OP I gathered that your aim was to get a 33, period.</p>

<p>In that case, it’s perfectly possible to improve. It’s perfectly possible to improve a lot. Just don’t be disappointed when you study your butt off and get a 30.</p>

<p>Yep. I am trying to do my best now, but I just need some guidelines to do a bit better because I know my math score and science score can up since i more inclined in those areas (hopefully up to at least a 30+) but my reading and english fails to compare. I don’t know if it is me, but my view on looking at the english section is just really frustrating with the grammar … and the reading section, i have no idea what i do wrong … i read the section and answer the questions, but how should comprehension be improved? </p>

<p>The strategy to improve is killing me part because I can retake practice tests over and over but what other strategy should I take in order to see an improvement? Sometimes I feel that studying out of the books doesn’t help me that all that much, is there other books I could read besides PR, Barrons, Red Book, that could help me? </p>

<p>Much appreciated!</p>