<p>My APUSH teacher told me my first marking period grade.... it is a shocking 88!</p>
<p>I HAVE NEVER got anything below an A- EVER in history... it came as a rude shock. At first I seemed confused... most of my tests and quizzes were A's with like two B+'s... </p>
<p>Then I Knew.... DAMN DBQ ESSAYS WHICH WE WRITE RANDOMLY in class (like pop quizzes) brought my average down. Apparently their worth 25 % OF MY GRADE. I received B's on both the ones I wrote, ( 83-86 %. )</p>
<p>I find this ridiculous...
-unless i improve my DBQ skills i will never attain an A in APUSH...</p>
<p>Well, you really should just work on DBQs then - they’re quiiiite easy if you get the hang of it. Make sure you group the documents, use all of them, find a bias in them, etc etc. You don’t actually have to use your brain in DBQ essays, lol, if you do, it usually only hurts you. haha.</p>
<p>Ah that sucks. I’m in APUSH right now & don’t know too much about DBQs so I can’t help you there (at least not now -_-) but your DBQs can only get better as you practice them more. I’m sure you’ll beast them in May.</p>
<p>Really. I don’t do them anymore because I’m in IB (I may or may not take an AP social studies as an elective later), but we did them in seventh and eighth grade and they weren’t graded like we were in seventh and eighth grade. There’s a formula, just like the SAT writing.</p>