2nd chances

Who are some samples of people who have taken out a student loan and gone to the wrong college and found the right college, too late after going in debt, have no money, and got in the right college, successfully? Please explain. What is the earliest year that this has happened?

What does this mean?

Are you asking what happens when someone decides to transfer and realizes they have no money to do so? They donā€™t transfer. Thatā€™s it. Or they drop out, work, save, take a class here and there, etcā€¦

If you have no money to pay, there is no such thing as a right college.


Iā€™m not sure of the question either.

If you are out of money, you need to figure out a way to somehow pay for any future college classes. They arenā€™t free.

How much debt are you in now?

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So thereā€™s no pay-it-forward entity to make up for the institutionalized overlording, debt-inducing notion, that if you donā€™t go to a secondary school, you are, automatically a nobody? #makerofthatconstantphoneinyourhand #AbeLincoln

The only way to have loans go away is to pay them back. If you are drowning in debt, get that taken care of first.

There are plenty of well paying trades with shorter training programs that you could consider.

But some kind of ā€œpay if forwardā€ because you incurred debt? No.



If this screen name is your real name, please change it.

Who says youā€™re a nobody if you donā€™t go to college?

College helps, but no one says you need to go to a college that you canā€™t afford and take on an unmanageable amount of debt. Iā€™m sorry, but thatā€™s just a bad decision.

At this point, your primary focus should be working to pay off the debt. Take a break from college, donā€™t dig yourself into a deeper financial hole.



The others have given good advice. My only question is, was your first institution a nonprofit or a for-profit institution? If the latter, there may possibly be forgiveness programs. Alternatively, if your first institution has closed, then there might possibly be options for forgiveness to look into. If neither of those situations are true, then you will need to repay the loans from your first college institution.


Do you currently have an outstanding balance to pay to your first college? If soā€¦that needs to be addressed first and foremost.


Many state schools are highly subsidized. That is a pay-it-forward approach.


The words ā€˜no oneā€™ arenā€™t accurate as not all that detail is always presented in an overwhelming situation. I suppose, the ideal counselor at the ideal time, would be nice. I guess Jobs had one.

Are you saying your counselor guided you to colleges that were unaffordable? Thatā€™s unfortunate.
But thatā€™s water under the bridge at this point. As recommended here, paying off your debt should be your priority.
If youā€™re looking for guidance on this forum you may want to provide further clarity about your situation. Look at the questions @AustenNut and @thumper1 asked above.

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He did not. Famously, he had only one semester of college. And, famously, not a nobody. Do your homework.


How much debt do you have? What form does the debt take? Is it from the government? A private lender? Is it your debt or did your parents take out a loan?

Are you currently enrolled in college? If so, what is not working with the college you are enrolled in?

What college do you wish to attend? Do they have scholarships for transfer students? They are not as common as scholarships for first years, but they are out there at some schools.

You can go to studentaid.gov and see if you are eligible for forgiveness for some of your student loans. More info here: https://abc7news.com/student-loan-forgiveness-plan-application-aid-joe-biden/12355528/

Seems like you may have had some poor guidance or no guidance when you were first applying. The knowledgable folks here may be able to help, but please donā€™t be vague in your posts. You need to be more specific about your situation to get the best help.


Actually that was my point. Please read carefully, youā€™re going to insult me.

*if youā€™re going to insult me.

Apologies if I misunderstood your statement or failed to recognize sarcasm or irony

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The succinct point i will make right now is knowing who i truly am and attending the appropriate college, didnā€™t come at the same time. And an indoctrinating society that is not in the habit of mentioning Steve Jobs or Abraham Lincoln, in this vein, didnā€™t do my case any favors either. It was a must-go-to-college atmosphere. And, iā€™m sorry if my statements seem unclear and i appreciate whoever attempts to respond and offer me guidance; please, i wish it not to be assumed i intended to be vague. I avoided Quora, to custom-fashion my statement to be clear. Also, i am in the moment and visually impaired, so i dictate letters, at times. I guess there is no clear way of telling if my situation is something, to which others can relate. I try not to go paranoid, based on the lack of likes, but it feels like i am in the minority and therefore, wouldnā€™t know where to look.

Canā€™t help you if you donā€™t answer the questions