3.5 GPA Full IB= Bad?

Hello, I’m in the full IB program and I was wondering whether a GPA of 3.5 is a bad thing.
After looking at my Naviance for avg acceptance GPA for UCB, I got concerned when I saw that it was 3.85. Most of the rejects on the scattergram were below that.

I know the admissions process is a crapshoot, but I do not know whether this will be a big detriment to me by the time I submit apps which is around next year.

Should I transfer to AP? The AP program is only available at a different school. The problem with IB is the ridiculous CAS, TOK, and unnecessary busy work. My old friends in the AP program have 4.0s and do not have to worry about this.
When the application game starts, they would essentially be at an advantage, since UCB would rather see me with a 4.0 than a 3.5 considering the increasing competition.

Help? Thanks.

Hey Pengu8!

There’s a lot of discussion around switching between IB and AP. I’ve definitely heard from a lot of students that the AP curriculum is a bit easier. The benefit of being in the IB program is that colleges view it as one of the most rigorous programs of study out there.

It sounds like it might be a little bit disruptive to switch to a different school to do APs, especially at this stage. There are things to take into account like ensuring you have great relationships with your teachers (for when they’ll write your recommendations). And the difference in your grades may not end up being huge.

I second BridgeU.

Are you taking SL exams this year? Ask your school what their policy is when it comes to weighing those scores. Also, IB should count as advanced courses and be weighted, so if your weighted GPA is ok, it shouldn’t be that big of an issue.

If you dislike the additional requirements for IB DP, maybe drop it and do the certificate instead? Your grades would have a chance of improving, but I don’t know how your colleges of choice look at course rigor.

Hello Pengu8!

Best of luck to you, and you don’t have to worry about your GPA. To answer your first question, NO, a 3.5 GPA is not a bad thing. When you think about it, it is actually a blessing in disguise. For example, one pro/benefit of the IB Diploma Programme is that GPA is counted up to 5.0, compared to 4.0 for standard level classes. You are rewarded 5 points extra for each IB class you take (i.e. If you have 80 in IB English then the 5+ points make it to 85, a B; you have 88 in IB Biology 5+ points make it to a 93, an A.) Also another secret is that if you have a C in a class, it counts as B in the transcript, or if you have a B in a class it counts as an A in the transcript. If you have an A in a class it basically counts as a 5.0. Why? Because, since you are in the IB Diploma Programme, the GPA can go up to 5.0.

To answer your second question, you should continue the IB Diploma Porgramme, for several reasons. First reason, is although it may be hard, time-restraining, it will benefit you in the future. I know many friends who were IB Diploma students who got into very selective schools (i.e. Princeton) and said that the IB Diploma Programme had helped them tremendously. Secondly, in a AP class you are isolated from other students due to different ways to pass the class for different students, as opposed to the IB Diploma Programme where they use rubrics to grade certain things, which interconnects you with other students, therefor you and other students can work together to pass that class, and it builds friendship and trust. Thirdly, the classes and schedule in IB Diploma Porgramme is way more flexible than AP classes. Lastly, the load of work is supposed to guide you as a blueprint, and actually CAS, TOK, and EE are worth it because you need to pass these criteria to get the IB Diploma, as well as passing the IB Exams.

Your third point is myth. Just because your friends have 4.0’s, doesn’t mean that it will help them. Actually colleges(universities) want to see if you took harder classes (IB classes) and challenged yourself. Sometimes that hard-earned C is worth more than getting an easy A, if you know what I mean. Now, I’m not saying that AP is not good, it’s just that the IB Diploma Programme is far superior compared to AP and more worth it. Colleges will be pleased at you since you attempted challenging courses, and that 3.5 GPA is actually well-advertised. Also one more thing, apply for more colleges, so if you don’t get accepted into your desired college, you have another shot at another one. Remember work smarter, not harder…

Hope this helps! Also good luck on making it to UCB, I wish you the best!

P.S. I am a Sophomore, planning to do the IB Diploma Programme.

It is going to depend on your university, I would highly doubt that GPA somehow becomes irrelevant because of IB, this has not been the experience with my Sr, sure unis want rigour but if your school runs programs that span very basic to IB and don’t weight, GPA and rank becomes a frustration at college application time. Really the top universities want you to have it all, high GPA included. CAS should not be any challenge to any kid applying to a US school, , TOK really shouldn’t be anything other than a minor inconvenience really, the EE might be extra work. The real advantage is that it is terrific college prep and not just a a reflection of test taking skill. The IB is a real benefit IMO as a parent.