3.6 W GPA, 2.9 UW GPA, 1260 SAT, and anxious. Posted on here & realized direct admit nursing is a reach- Where can I go for a Pre PA track?

Since your list of schools is on the closed thread, I’ve quoted it here for ease of reference:

Continuing the discussion from Very anxious. Very low GPA & SAT. [Nursing] Please chance me!:

So, are these schools (+/- the nursing) your college list? You would be able to go from any of them into a PA or post-Bachelor’s RN program or into any other options. Or are you still working on college possibilities?

if i didn’t choose nursing id say my list is
gmu, penn state, ohio state, udel, uni of vermont, rutgers, upitt, umass, michigan state, umaine, cu boulder, syracuse, towson, vtech, uconn, urhode island, salisbury, umbc, umd
not in order

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i’m trying to find other possibilities, i thinj umaine and cu boulder are good since they say they look at weighted, adding ucincinnati, and i’m looking for more. literally any major state school not in the south or far west coast

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I think reality will hit you hard. Find a path to do what you want to do (there is always one). It won’t be at any school your parents will be happy with.


I understand where you’re coming from, down to high expectations etc. As a parent, I know I may have placed high expectations on my kids - it’s a fine balance between pushing them to do their best but celebrating wherever they are after they’ve done their best. But as a parent, I can also tell you that I would want them to be happy and just be open to options (regardless of where or what college they go to, they will be successful if they are happy). Maybe your parents aren’t there yet, but maybe they will surprise you.
I would suggest that you just find some true safeties and apply - just in case. That way if UMBC or Salisbury fall through you have a back up.
Also You’re still young, but figuring out that what you do/achieve in life (in the future that may extend to who you marry, or what job you take) is nobody’s business but your own - that’s a lesson worth learning sooner than later in my opinion. Do you want to live your life based on what some random “friends” of your parents think? I know the S Asian community well - they all talk, but no one truly cares what you’re doing.
Do you even want to be a nurse or are you choosing that based on perceived family/community expectations? If so, I suggest not locking yourself into that path either.

Some of these schools fill the majority of their class in EA (and only give merit in EA) and had deadlines for 11/1. If you haven’t already applied, take UMD off the list. I think EA has passed for MSU as well.

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Yes to all of this. I’m from immigrant family too and the idea of “letting everyone down” is tough. I was a rebel though and went the other way for a while before finding my path. What I found out is that it’s all talk in those circles. No one actually cares what you do. At the end you’re left with yourself and your own choices.


I think if you don’t lock into nursing, you have better chance of these schools so yeah, suggest applying undecided.

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Some of the many possibilities if not majoring in nursing: West Virginia University, Kansas, Kansas State, Nebraska, Iowa, Iowa State, Missouri. I don’t know whether these schools look at weighted GPA; you can check their websites. I do know that they are less selective state flagships than most of the ones on your original list.


Indiana University-Bloomington would be another flagship to consider. And IU is listed as strong in both psychology and public health on these lists:


@mdnursing I just re-read your last long post (I think it was ~post #12). I think some of us (including myself) have overlooked the fact that you have been in and out of the hospital for mental health reasons as recently as this past summer - only a few months ago. I hope you are continuing to receive outpatient treatment. I would strongly recommend that you choose a school close to home, as suggested by @2plustrio. Adjusting to college can be stressful for any student and it would be best for you to be close to your current medical team and family, rather than many miles away.


I don’t think she realizes how expensive it is. There’s not enough wedding gold to pay for that :slight_smile: Not to mention it’s hard to get in with high stats even.

Here’s the thing- life threw you a curveball- as it did for many kids in COVID. If you didn’t get the curveball now, you’d have gotten one later because it’s inevitable for everyone. But, it’s not ok for your parents to blame you for the curveball - you didn’t exactly ask for your mental health to decline. It’s not helpful that she’s saying this to you and I’m sorry for that. Please know that 1) it’s not your fault, 2) things happen for a reason - maybe if you didn’t have this experience, you would have blindly marched along the path your parents prescribed for you and discovered at 40 you hated it and were miserable. You have an opportunity now to go to a school where you want, take some courses, take your time to research different potential paths and find one that will make you happy (note there is no “the one” path - there are so many options, you only need to choose one. But you don’t need to choose it at 17.)

Normally I would say stay close to home, but only if your family is supportive of what you need. Sometimes it’s not immediate family but another close family member or family friend who would be more supportive and nurturing to help you find your path on your own terms. Do you have a therapist you can continue to stay in touch with regularly?


OP- You mentioned being familiar with Ohio, John Carroll University (in the suburbs of Cleveland) just opened a nursing program with 2023 being the first class. As it’s new, I believe admissions is less competitive.

It may not be prestigious enough to fully impress your parents, but it’s a good Jesuit school in a major metro area.

Good luck working everything out!


Hi sorry for the late response I haven’t been on for a while, I actually got a solid acceptance from Salisbury as the admissions office it will be an easy decision to make because I am a stellar student!!! So Im really glad that I have that as a safety- it’s a safety because I just want more diversity. I am thinking of still applying to Towson, Ohio U, UCincinnatti, maybe SUNY Bloomington, UBuffallo, maybe Indiana U? I’m not sure


Congrats!! So nice!!

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I do not want to stay home. My mental health is better when I am away from my parents- I love them and are very grateful for them but they aren’t the best in a lot of areas.


Thank you for all of the support I really appreciate it

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I did have a therapist but it kind of fell through, I do have a psychiatrist who helps a lot


Congratulations on the admissions to Salisbury! Is it for the general college or the nursing major in particular?

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That’s great, now that you have an acceptance you can breathe easy and apply anywhere else you want! Congratulations!
I do think it would be helpful to get yourself in with a therapist - psychiatrists typically are in and out, focusing on medication adjustments. A therapist will help you through school transition, any issues that may arise with your family and just general support. My nephew had anxiety issues and having a therapist he could call occasionally as needed was a huge help. Think about it. Good luck!!