3.6 W GPA, 2.9 UW GPA, 1260 SAT, and anxious. Posted on here & realized direct admit nursing is a reach- Where can I go for a Pre PA track?

Definitely apply to Towson! I worked with an exceptional young woman who graduated from there with plans to apply for medical school after getting a year of patient care experience as an aide in my peds rehab. During that year she figured out that nursing was right for her after being exposed to: doctors, social workers, occupational therapists, speech therapists, physical therapists, recreational therapists, respiratory therapists and nurses. She had all the prerequisites done for all of those professions. The BS to BSN program was a year and last I heard she’s an ICU nurse in Philly. You will have some great opportunities and will learn more about yourself over the next few years.


hello everyone! i know it’s been a while- my parents have kind of been separated and stuff so it hasn’t been the easiest time. but i just wanted to update, i got into mich state pre nursing and george mason direct admit nursing too! i honestly have no clue how i did it, as most said that they are reaches which is true considering my gpa- but i am so grateful!! thank you everyone for all of your insight and advice, and research that you have all shared with me. it was really helpful during the application season.


Congratulations!!! This is their lucky day because now they have a shot at getting YOU.


Congratulations! Make the most of the great opportunity at whichever college you choose.


Just as something to look at, MSU also has a process where you can be directly admitted to nursing if that interests you at all.


Wait how does that work?

It does appear you need a higher gpa though.

However, maybe they will give exceptions.

Also look at this program.

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GMU Direct Admission is FANTASTIC!!! Congratulations! :slight_smile: They probably know your school and know how rigorous your curriculum was so there were willing to give you a pass for what was a challenging time with health issues. Very happy for you :slight_smile:


So happy for you about the direct-admit nursing acceptance. I think you’re going to be an amazing nurse! Now, you have to think about money. I know your parents have told you they’d pay an unlimited amount if you got into THEIR dream prestige school, but the reality is that, especially now that they’re separated, there just may not be the money available, since their income and assets have to support two households now.

So, you have to also make a financial safety! Put in applications to direct admit nursing schools that are likely to meet your financial need. Also, make a financial safety option that presumes no aid from the school (which might be the case - I don’t know what your parents’ assets and income are), just the federal loan, which is I think 5500 for your first year. That means also looking for the cheapest option that leads to a nursing degree. That is likely to be your local community college with a 2 yr RN program that has a transfer agreement to your local state 4 yr college with a BSN program. Yes, for the sake of your mental health, I’m hoping that you can swing it to go away to school, but you’ve got to make this option, too, just in case you don’t get the funding or family money that you would need to pay for a live-at-college option.

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