<p>I ended my junior year with a 3.6661 (rounds to a 3.7?) GPA- does this render me chance-less for Wake? </p>
<p>I'm in the top 25% of my class, and have taken by far the most rigorous courses of anyone in my class (my guidance counselor knows this and is sympathetic that I'm surpassed by "ag/phys ed/band + basic courses" folks). </p>
<p>My ACT is 31, and my EC's are excellent and unique, and I'll be the student council president next year.</p>
<p>Also, I'll be visiting and potentially interviewing this summer, and will likely apply ED as soon as I can get my app together.</p>
<p>You have a chance at Wake. But you better have a truck load of $ if your going to apply ED… Big word of warning…
By the way - why Wake???</p>
<p>location, mix of LAC and research, campus, debate team, general vibe, rigor, etc.</p>
<p>and this is sort of trivial but the fact that it’s gated sorta fulfills a fantasy of mine</p>
<p>Hope it lives up to your expectations… And Best of Luck on your quest…</p>
<p>me too!</p>
<p>(and re:gate, that wasn’t me being pretentious, i just have always enjoyed chatting up gate attendants at my friends’ neighborhoods
<p>A 31 on the ACT is at the 75th percentile for enrolled freshmen in the 2008 term, so yes I do think you have a chance. I think about 96% of Wake students are in the top 20%, and with over 2/3 in the top 10%. So yes, your ranking will statistically be a huge disadvantage. With that said, if you have great essays, good rigor, good ecs, and other such, I think you still have a solid chance.</p>
<p>is that GPA weighted or unweighted? If it’s UW, then I think it wouldn’t be that bad…if it’s weighted, then I think it might be a slight problem</p>
<p>my school does not have weighted grades, and thus doesn’t rank based upon weighted grades, which is what my aforementioned guidance counselor would like to see happen. that would also solve the class rank problem.</p>
<p>Can’t your guidance counselor still find out what your rank would be if calculated using a weighted GPA and include that in their counselor report? In my school, the difference between the rank of weighted vs unweighted is astonishing (but then again, there is a big difference between the regular college prep crowd and the AP crowd). For example I have a friend around 15% for UW, but because he took 13 AP courses, his weighted GPA puts him in the top 5%. If your weighted GPA could put you in the top 10% of 20%, then it would be imperative to see if your GC can figure that out and put it in her/his counselor report.</p>
<p>i’ll mention it to her, but i don’t know if that’s within her capability to do. we obvs haven’t established a formula for quickly determining kids’ weighted GPAs since it’s not something we typically do, and the computer system my school uses is cripplingly hard to deal with, so it might not be something she can easily set up.</p>
<p>either way, i know that’s something she will mention in her counselor’s report or in some sort of letter or something. i know it’s a subject of frustration and anger for her to see kids get bogged down by not having weighted grades.</p>
<p>D got into Wake 3 years ago with a GPA similar to yours. (Her school doesn’t rank, though.) IMO, your stats look pretty good. Do your EC’s include community service? Wake is huge on that. And the interview will let “the real you” shine through. Go for it!</p>
<p>there’s not a huge amount of community service, though for stuco next year i’ll have to do a ton, so i’ll put that down on the app.</p>
<p>thanks! anyone else?</p>