So my two online classes, financial and managerial accounting both start next week. My business calc meets the following week on campus.
I have a 4.0 and am currently a junior at a four year college.
Has anyone taken a similar load and came out unscathed?
I took 3 classes (calc 2, an advanced psych course and finance) in a summer together all online, it was annoying but doable.
You’re going to get responses from a variety of academic levels so if other people have/haven’t done it won’t help answer your question.
The better question is, looking on your past experiences, do you feel that that courseload is manageable? Of a class like managerial accounting, about how much time would you spend/do you feel it’d be difficult. Do that approximation for all 3 classes and you’ll have a good feel; I suspect you already know whether or not you can handle it