$31k Scholarship to St. Johns University

Hey guys, I just received my merit scholarship information in the mail and found out I got $31,000 of my tuition covered. I come from a middle class background and my dad refuses to pay for any out-of-state schooling, meaning I’d have to take out loans to cover the rest of the cost. My question is if it’s worth it (and how much it would be with room and board and all, if anyone knows) to take out loans to go to St. Johns? I would be majoring in Advertising Communication and I feel being in NYC would give me tons of opportunities for that, plus I love the city.

Readers need more information to provide useful information or advice. What alternatives are you considering, for example. What is the amount your family can afford? etc

Like I said, my family is likely to not pay for any of the remaining tuition, however I do have a $12,000 college fund which could take care of the first year, hopefully. However, if I were to choose an in-state school it would be majority paid for, and my parents would cover the rest. So, I guess I’m just asking if going out of state, to St. John’s, is worth going into a bit of student loan debt. I really want to get out of my home state and would absolutely love to live in NYC

You can only borrow $5500 as a freshman $6500 as a sophomore, and $7500/year as a junior and senior. Is that enough to pay for the balance of your room and board, books, and travel (4x/year) for 4 years?

borrow from where? the school?

No, st. John’s Is not worth the debt. it is not in Manhattan, but Queens. There is nothing around it but houses and small stores. Have you visited? To get to Manhattan you have to take a bus to the subway and then the subway into Manhattan which is what you are thinking of as the city. This is a 45 minute trip. I believe st john’s does run shuttles to the subway at night for safety although I don’t know how often or how late they run. It has always been thought of as a commuter school and there were a lot of protests around here when those first dorms were built which was not that long ago. Please make sure you visit first if you decide to take on debt because I am not sure you understand where it is located.