<p>its called taking practice tests and working on the sections that are the hardest for you. </p>
<p>maybe you are setting too high of a goal for youself. i would shoot for at least a 30. that way if you do better than a 30, you wont be disappointed.</p>
<p>I don't think getting a good score means you "deserve" to be arrogant. I got a 34, higher than laurstar, and I'm not going around being arrogant and rude just because I did well.</p>
<p>By the way, I'm not trying to star a fight with laurstar or anything. I just really don't get where the "want tips? its called taking practice tests" comes in.</p>
<p>And scoring high on a test doesn't give anyone special priveleges, sorry.</p>
<p>i was talking to shadowrider. im just saying it honestly...the only way to do well is to take practice tests. its kind of obvious. there arent some magic pills that you can buy on eBay that guarantees you a 36. </p>
<p>19382: i was saying- do you want a tip? here's one: take practice tests. i dont think that tip was very ambiguous and difficult to understand...</p>
<p>and i never said that i get special priviledges. its just getting annoying when every single person on this asks for tips, its like HELLO?!? just take tests! thats the only way you can improve your score. period.</p>
<p>I didn't say it was ambiguous or difficult to understand. It just seemed like a regular old thread and then you come in with this attitude about it. All of my other comments were directed towards ManUrtd.</p>
<p>I agree with LaurStar : ) Practice makes perfect... and you said you want to get a 36. It's the key to doing well on any standardize test whether it's the ACT, GRE, MCATs or professional board exams. Just buy a couple of good books ie Princeton Review, The Real ACT, review the material and practice taking the tests under the exact time conditions. You can also download a free test from the ACT website. You may want to put some extra practice time on the sections that you need to improve. Don't pressure yourself though for a perfect score just try to do your best!</p>
<p>ive taken the act and sat more times than i can count, but just know that the act and sat are very different tests. so definitely do some practice tests. get the red book that is actually published by the act company to help. also watch your time, especially on the math and science parts. good luck!</p>
<p>And I agree with what was said earlier, the ACT isn't too representative anymore, due to the big changes in difficulty that I am others have seen. I have also seen people make huges jumps. I saw a 22 to 31, a 28 to 34, some 34-36's, and 30-34's.</p>