Hey all.
I am currently a 3rd year Chemistry major at the University of Georgia. Considering on my future plans and I seem to prefer the practical approach that ChemE has to chemical topics as opposed to Chemistry itself.
I have already taken…
Calc 1-3, ODE, Statistics, Phys 1 and 2, General Chem 1 and 2, OChem 1 and 2, PChem 1, AChem 1
Also taking/took these engineering courses: Fluid Mech, Statics, Circuits, Thermo 1, Mass Rate/Transfer
GPA is 3.88. Also have a semester of research in soft materials with an Organic professor.
I haven’t taken the GRE yet as it’s still early. Def planning on it.
My main subjects I enjoy are: soft materials/fluids, polymers, reaction kinetics
Schools that I am looking at (still really early) are:
- Uni of Mich
- Georgia Tech
- Uni of Cincinnati
- Northwestern
Should I even be looking at these schools or consider lower tier schools due to my chemistry background?