4.0 and 1-100 percentile scale

<p>Can anyone give a quick laydown on the conversion between the 1-100 scale and the 4.0 scale. I'm going to assume a 4.0 is a 100.. so now what would a 95 or 90 be?</p>

<p>This chart may help you out.</p>

<p>[url=<a href=“http://faculty.cascadia.edu/dwhittaker/percent2gpa.htm]Percent to GPA conversion chart[/url”>http://faculty.cascadia.edu/dwhittaker/percent2gpa.htm]Percent to GPA conversion chart[/url</a>]</p>

<p>Only your Registrar could say. It would depend on what an A, a B, a C, a D, and an F are at your school and what the median and standard deviation are of the grade distribution there.</p>

<p>99 at our school is a 3.9!!!</p>