4.0 Scale

<p>which is the correct 4.0 scale

<p>100-90 A 4.0
89-80 B 3.0
79-70 C 2.0
69-60 D 1.0
<60 F </p>


<p>A+ (97-100) = 4.0
A (93-96) = 4.0
A- (90-92) = 3.7</p>

<p>B+ (87-89) = 3.3
B (83-86) = 3.0
B- (80-82) = 2.7</p>

<p>C+ (77-79) = 2.3
C (73-76) = 2.0
C- (70-72) = 1.7</p>

<p>D+ (67-69) = 1.3
D (65-66) = 1.0
E/F (below 65) = 0.0</p>

<p>I have a few A minuses and I was wondering if the second scale was the one I should use</p>

<p>i think it is the second one
although i may be wrong</p>

<p>still in both cases i have 4.0(yay!!!)</p>

<p>I think they go with whatever your school does. I know percentages in Canada are typically lower than they are in the US so theres a bit of a lower threshold for 4.0s</p>

<p>Drat, I can’t tell if I’m a 3.7 or a 4.0. Need to go get out that grade report…</p>