4.0 Scale

<p>which is the correct 4.0 scale

<p>100-90 A 4.0
89-80 B 3.0
79-70 C 2.0
69-60 D 1.0
<60 F </p>


<p>A+ (97-100) = 4.0
A (93-96) = 4.0
A- (90-92) = 3.7</p>

<p>B+ (87-89) = 3.3
B (83-86) = 3.0
B- (80-82) = 2.7</p>

<p>C+ (77-79) = 2.3
C (73-76) = 2.0
C- (70-72) = 1.7</p>

<p>D+ (67-69) = 1.3
D (65-66) = 1.0
E/F (below 65) = 0.0</p>

<p>I have a few A minuses and I was wondering if the second scale was the one I should use</p>

<p>what are you talking about? </p>

<p>if this is referring to your high school, no one knows</p>

<p>if this is referring to columbia, there’s no such thing. percentages don’t correspond to a certain grade.</p>

<p>the gpa system is :</p>

<p>A = 4, B=3, C=2, D=1

  • = plus 0.33
  • = minus 0.33</p>

<p>so b- = 2.67</p>

<p>Columbia works on a 4.3 scale, not 4.0.</p>

<p>This is for Columbia, not my high school. I already know the policy for my school.</p>

<p>does anyone ever receive an A+ without sheer bribery at columbia?</p>

<p>Yes they do, usually in the introductory math and science classes. I have a friend who has gotten like 2 or 3 A+s. Little *****…</p>

<p>gods in seas = rack up A+s. i know someone who has had >11 A+s as an FE major.</p>