4 Years of foreign language?

Some colleges recommend 4 years of a single foreign language like Harvard. I took Spanish 1 Freshman year, Spanish 2 sophomore year, and skipped to AP Spanish (Spanish 4) for junior year and I am not taking Spanish anymore senior year. Is it okay to take only 3 years of a foreign language but still making it all the way to Spanish 4? Got all As in all Spanish classes btw. I just couldn’t fit 4 years of Spanish in my 4 year plan so I had to skip Spanish 3.

It is fine depending on the college you want to go to. If you want to go somewhere that recommends 4 years of a foreign language, I recommend maybe taking a Spanish course at a CC when you’re in your senior year.

Does your school offer further Spanish?

If you have legit maxed out your school’s resources and there is nothing more you can take, the admissions office will not hold it against you. I, for example, got into H with only three years of science - just because my HS didn’t offer a fourth.

But…if there is an advanced Spanish class you can take, I would take it. If not, I wouldn’t worry at all.

I disagree with post #1. If you want to continue Spanish for your own edification, CC a fine option. However, for admissions purposes at the vast majority of colleges, completing Level 4 or AP, regardless of the # of years studies in HS, fulfills the recommendations.

I think my school does have Spanish for natives I and Spanish for natives II. And I’m not a native (I’m asian). But yeah AP Spanish is the highest.

You’re good then.

Since you skipped level 3 and achieved level 4, you are basically done with 4 years of Spanish in 3 years. You are all set unless you want to take AP Spanish.