5 Year Plan

Hello all.

I was talking in passing with one of my neighbors and he is actually doing the same major as me (CS and math). He told me that he was doing the '5 year plan, so [he] will end up having a Master’s, too".

I didn’t have a chance to ask him more about it, and I can’t find anything about it online. Is this something that applies to multiple majors? Does anyone know anything about this? Perhaps point me towards some informational resource?


Can you make an appointment with your advisor?

Is your neighbor ahead of you in school? UW Madison recently changed the number of credits needed for a masters in CS from 24 to 30 and if he was in the program before that change, perhaps he is intending to get the masters in a year. Otherwise it doesn’t appear that the UW has a forma 3 + 2 bachelors plus masters program.

@Madison85‌ Yes, I could meet with an adviser, and I probably should, but I thought I would try here first as this is much easier.

@CheddarcheeseMN‌ Yes, he is ahead of me. Do you mean an additional 24/30 CS credits in addition to ones credits earned during the bachelors process? It would seem that if you take 15 credits a semester, you could still earn the MS in just one year?

Graduate students often take fewer that 15 credits per semester. The classes are harder and more time consuming. In my grad program, the recommended course load was 11 credits per semester. You can read about the UW masters program online.