MS in MA BA in CS and EE in 4 years

<p>I am going into my freshman year planning to triple major in EE, MA, and CS. I also am part of a fast track program for MA which will allow me to get my MS in 4 years on top of my other degrees. I plan on taking around 24 credit hours each Fall/Spring term and 16-18 in the summer. I was wondering if anyone here had any experience in taking such a course load and their experiences with doing so. Also any tips are appreciated as to organizing class times (grouped together or spread out in the day) and the like. I am going through with this and the gears are in motion. Any support I can get will be greatly appreciated. as to those who think that is a terrible idea- let me worry about that as I can certainly handle it. After all, if you sleep for 1/3 of the week that leaves 112 hours that you are awake. Take out 24 of those and you are left with 88 and then 50 hours to study (on the worst possible of all weeks for HW buildup- as i am a quick study) and you still have 30 hours of pure free time. ( 3+ hours for walking and picking up lunch between classes-may double as study time) ;) But in all seriousness it is more than enough time to get everything done and still socialize. (exp if you have study groups)</p>