66.5 = ineligible?

<p>I have a 66.5 in Pre Calc and finals are tommorow. Im already preparing for the worse so will I get my admission revoked with this grade? This is my 5th year of math and all my a-g coures are completed. The reason for the steep grade drop is because my cousin has recently been diagnosed with leukemia, which has put our whole families life on “hold”. Im applying to UC- LA,SB,Irvine,SC, & Davis</p>

<p>At UC Davis each failing grade report is considered on a case by case basis taking into consideration all the factors. I can’t say for sure if you are admitted if your offer will be rescinded or revoked based only on the fact that you received a “D/F” grade in a course. Be sure to notify the campuses as soon as you know your final grade, if it is lower than a “C” grade so they have the information needed to make this decision. Good luck on your finals.</p>

<p>What if I just wait till I am accepted? That way this wont really hurt my admission because I think I have a fairly valid excuse. When it comes time to mail my transcript in I can add a personal letter in there explaining everything, right? btw im studying really hard for this.....</p>

<p>It is always best to report the failing grade as early as possible. Students who wait until the summer to report failing grades have fewer options available to uphold their admissions offer. For example, we might require you to retake the course in the summer. If we aren’t aware of this grade until July you won’t have that option. Please report any change in coursework or failing grades as soon as you can.</p>

<p>What if I wait till march when I receive the "accepted/rejected" letter so that way I wont have to bother the colleges I didin't get into? BTW I ended w/ D- 67% :( Any suggestions?</p>

<p>You could re-take it at community college this spring in an after school or evening class.</p>

<p>I don't think it'd be worth the effort to retake the class. If you get an A, it'll just raise your grade up to a C. Plus, I think the UCs are only allowed to look at that D.</p>

<p>It would be worth it to properly learn the course material. The UC's certainly won't frown on you taking the initiative to enroll in the community college course and then let them know that you have already arranged to re-take it. That would show them that you care about learning.</p>

<p>I was talking to my counselor and he told me that if i can get an A-B in the class this next semester it will definately show that i really care and that it was just a temporary thing. He also said to tell them that i will re-take pre calc the first year of freshman college. He also told me since it's my 5th year of math (i took stats at a local CC & got a b)i have already fulfilled my A-G requirements and some. So i really dont know who to believe. Im thinking of calling the colleges but my counselor advised me not to because he said it's not a big deal. The reason for the sudden drop in my grades is that my cousing was recently diagnosed with cancer and has really caused a hardship within my family. The same day he was diagnosed with leukemia my mom flew out of the country to where my cousin is currently being hospitalized, Mexico City, Mexico. She knew my cousin, my aunt and uncle needed moral support and she knew that she would provide the moral support the really needed. This in terms has put various new responsibilities on me that my mother had to deal with. Since my father is a truck driver and is only home on the weekends i have had to cook, clean, wash, shop,drive/give rides and do all the stuff my mom has had to do while adding college apps, scholarship apps,AP hw, SAT and ACT stuff on top of that. And since i am the oldest of 3 kids i have to run the house. I know I probably sound like some sort of spoiled kid but really i have been working hard in trying to juggle everything at once, and this grade just slipped away. To this day my mom has not returned and its been almost 2 weeks. I expect her to come home within a week or so but idk. What do you guys think, is this a resonable excuse?</p>

<p>^yes (10 char)</p>

<p>It will be reasonable if you tell the UCs now. If it's later, and the UC you matriculated to DOES reject you, then you really do have no options unless you want to go to a CCC (at that point, I don't think CSUs even accept offers?)</p>

<p>Instead of worrying about presenting an excuse to the UC's perhaps you need to re-think this and present a way to work towards learning and dealing with what you were unable to deal with during a time of difficulty.</p>

<p>Today i calculated this semesters gpa and i have a 3.0 weighed with the D, so basically i really havent gone under the 3.0 mark either. I dont know if this helps.</p>

<p>Technically no it does not. The stated rule is a 3.0 weighted (unweighted for Cal and UCLA) with NO grades of D or F.</p>

<p>Should I start writing my first draft for this thing? Im calling UC's on monday and see what they say. At least I didin't get <3.0 right?</p>

<p>I'd advise you let the UC's know ASAP. UC Davis admissions reccomended the same thing and he/she is an admissions officer so that's probably the best route at this point.</p>

<p>Don't present it as an excuse and don't say that at least you didn't drop below a 3.0. Just state what your oveall GPA is, and briefly what happened. Use the minimum amout of space to explain. Spend more energy with what you plan to do to make up for the poor grade.</p>

<p>I really didin't want to re-take the class in summer school. Do you think there is a way I can convince them to re-take pre-cal my freshmen year of college where I can really learn the material?</p>

<p>Do UC's even offer pre-calculus?</p>

<p>What college did you go to? Of course they offer pre calculus! They even offer "T-00B-1 Elementary Algebra Wilmarth,C. PHYGEO130, MWF 0110-0200PM" -UC Davis :D</p>