A bangladeshi muslim girl for Yale!

To those attending Yale/admitted, I am a junior, hoping to apply early to Yale next year. What are my chances, and how can I improve? Thanks</p>

<p>GPA: 4.0/4.73
Rank: 1st officially
SAT: 2400
SAT II: Math: 800 Chem: 800
APs: 5's on calc ab, bc, stats, and chem
this year, taking bio, ush, span, physics</p>

<p>Other courses: taking Calc III at prestigious local university. I plan to go forward with taking other advanced classes before graduating.</p>

<p>My EC's are pretty solid, and I will post those later. Are my stats enough?</p>

<p>Nope </p>

<p>lulz. if these stas are real, you know you’re in great shape. why bother asking?</p>

<p>Okay. I add my ec’s.</p>

<p>Local newspaper reporter since 9th grade…dozens of student-related articles published
Captain, academic decathlon…county champion, etc.
Captain, math team…local champ (AIME and the regulars)
Only student on the local city council’s Human Relations Commission, chosen out of over 4000 students
President of school’s race-relations committee
CSF, Honor Society (not really seriously involved)
Science Research in Chemistry (I have two regional medals, one prestigious state medal (California State Science Fair), Intel Scholar, regional science awards
Science Olympiad member…regional awards
Volunteer for local hospital
I’m applying to RSI this year, if that matters</p>

<p>The real test of being Bengali is if you’re Sylheti.</p>

<p>Your stats are pristine.
You cannot improve on perfection; why ask this question? What are you looking for?</p>

<p>Um - if you are asking whether your 2400/800/800 scores should be better, i’m not sure you’re intelligent enough to go to yale.</p>

<p>Oh my! I wish I could achieve such perfection! Out of all the applicant credentials I have read on the Yale forum (granted, I haven’t read a ton) you are almost guaranteed admission. The fact that you cannot (impossible) improve on any of your stats, you’re definitely a future Yalie in my book. How could Yale not grant admission to you? Bengali, perfect SATs, Perfect SAT subject test, fair EC’s, what more could Yale be looking for???</p>

<p>The reason I make a thread is because I’m planning on applying early to Yale, and I really want to make sure I’m the type Yale is looking for. And we all know that 2400s get rejected from Yale by the ton. Plus, I have no national awards, (although I’m anticipating Intel STS senior year).
Are my ec’s good enough? </p>

<p>Oh, and other volunteer work:
Local amnesty International volunteer, school member
Habitat for Humanity</p>

<p>Guess my stats are enough…it’s the overall “Perfect Yale applicant image” I’m concerned about.</p>

<p>We’re just thankful that you are a junior and not a senior ^.^ hah
(You took your tests really early?)</p>

I took math/chem as a sophomore, and took the SAT’s this october…i was surprised by the scores myself.
I’m also aware that Yale looks at community service. I started an organization called Books to Bangladesh, which has so far sent 500 books for kids to a small village school in the country, and spent the summer teaching these kids. Do you guys think Yale would like an essay about it, or would it be to cliche?

<p>i usually never post on chance threads, but this thread stuck out to me for various reasons.</p>

<p>i think:
a) you have perfect scores (not even hyperbole), so asking us to chance you on that front is a little absurd
b) you have solid ECs, and there isnt much more you could do. you know you are involved. i would even worry about diluting your ECs. you have a clear passion for the math/science/academic ECs, but your triple leadership positions makes me wonder how much of responsibily you have/how much time you spend actually leading. in my opinion )(which really does not matter at all) being the captain of your soccer team, or student band leader seems more like a true leadership and talent heavy position…but whatevs. you cant change that now (and please dont try - molding yourself for a school, or set of schools is not the way to approach ECs) just be sure to show passion for one, or a few specific ECs so as not to dilute them all.
c) SCEA is non-binding. apply if you want. dont apply if you dont. you lose absolutely nothing (unless you want to apply ED somewhere, in which case you shouldnt even be considering other schools next year)
d) if you are worried about the “Perfect Application” image go get some 3s on your next APs, or bomb some more SATIIs. i dont really like you, as a person, for this comment. i find it annoying.
e) write your essay on whatever you want. for the 23432th time: it’s HOW you write not what you write about.
f) you have a full year to figure this out. please enjoy it. i’m finding senior year to be horribly tiring and stressful. and you can life some the weight junior year, but a lot extra stuff comes up as you progrees from summer to fall to winter. you can write your essays junior yer, but i’ll wager you’ll change a lot before submitting.
g) i have no idea why i went so all out on this post.</p>

<p>Hlover, you just read my mind.</p>

<p>Try to come across as someone who does things “for the right reasons” NOT as you presently do— to check off a master list of accomplishments.</p>

<p>Oh, come on, now! No need to harass me! (Hlover)
I just wanted to know what kind of applicants Yale is looking for. For the past two years, the vals at my hs have been rejected from it, which is what makes me nervous.
and i chose my ec’s because i like them. Is it too hard to ask for some suggestions?</p>

Um - if you are asking whether your 2400/800/800 scores should be better, i’m not sure you’re intelligent enough to go to yale.</p>

<p>this guy’s right.</p>

<p>People are reacting this way because you didn’t initially give ECs; you were asking whether your quite literally perfect stats were up to snuff for Yale, as if there is some mythical 2500 score that all accepted students achieve. My first thought was, quite honestly, “■■■■■”, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. If you are real, which I believe, you come across as either a braggart or a dunce, and neither of those is looked upon so well anywhere.</p>

<p>Not intended to be rude, just factual. Good luck with your junior and senior years.</p>

<p>I don’t know why it came off to everyone as if I was asking if my academic stats could be better. What I wanted was people to analyze, assuming I have good/great ecs, whether my stats could get me in or not. I’m not stupid…I know stats aren’t enough, which is why i later posted ecs.
sorry if this thread came off as a bit rude…that clearly wasn’t my intention.</p>



<p>I see now what you meant, but in the original context, it appears that you’re asking whether your stats are good enough, not whether they’re enough to get you in.</p>