A cappella at brown

<p>A humorous response, coming from you. I won't bother getting into all this again, except to say that you are not as knowledgable as you think you are.</p>

<p>I created no "stat profile". Some jokester does that from time to time. Larry Summers, Donald Trump and others have had humorous profiles created on their behalf. Matt deletes them from time to time.</p>

<p>Your reference to anything this silly amply demonstrates your inability, at times, to understand and interpret what you think you see..</p>

<p>so you say...
coming from someone who retrospectively edits his posts after they've already been responded to.</p>

<p>but i agree, let's not get into this again. as long as you exhibit some self-restraint in exalting your alma matter by posting untrue information about other schools, i have no personal problem with you. particularly since a lot of the true information you post is helpful, i'm sure, to many people.</p>

<p>I have never E V E R published "untrue information" and I will thank you to stop accusing me of doing so.</p>

<p>I would also ask that you expressly withdraw THIS outrageous slur in your previous post, which demonstrates your affinity for unjustified, ad hominem attacks:</p>

<p><<bylerly is="" indeed="" a="" great="" fan="" of="" brown...he's="" also="" nyc="" (evidently)--so="" much="" so="" that="" he="" created="" moniker="" with="" ficticious="" pr="" stats="" profile.="" but="" course="" falsely="" representing="" himself="" as="" student="" (a="" member="" the="" class="" 2007!)="">></bylerly></p>




<p>Off the top of my head: Whiffenpoofs, Whim'n'Rhythm, SOB's, Spizzwinks(?), Duke's Men, Alley Cats, Baker's Dozen, Proof of the Pudding, New Blue, Something Extra, Out of the Blue, Mixed Company, Red Hot and Blue, Shades, Magevet, and Living Water. That's sixteen freestanding groups, plus the Slavic or Russian Choruses, which are separately administered but also a cappella. I don't know if the BlueDogs, a startup, still exist this year; there may be others.</p>



<p>You won't get any argument about this from me; both talent pool and audience get overstretched at schools with a high group-to-student ratio. The problem is exacerbated by the unusually large membership of groups at Yale, as well. But if you're talking about the biggest number of groups or widest opportunity for students to participate, which you seemed to be, Yale dwarfs Brown and every other college I'm aware of.</p>

<p>that's a lot of groups Hanna =)
if you know of 16, i definitely stand corrected. brown has 15 by the most inclusive count possible (taking out the pirate group that sings sea shanties, the madrigal singers who aren't "a capella" per se, etc. would drop it down even further).</p>

<p>thanks for the info</p>

<p>quality over quantity. </p>

<p>Haha actually I don't know how good the a capella groups are. I know that some kid in a group at my high school listened to the mads at Brown and said they weren't as good as the mads at my school. all subjective though.</p>

<p>foundnemo, you can get an idea of how some groups at Brown and its peer colleges sound recorded (they're sometimes very different live) by visiting <a href="http://www.rarb.org/reviews/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.rarb.org/reviews/&lt;/a> The Chattertocks and Derbies, in particular, are quite consistent from year to year, and their live shows compare favorably to their studio albums. I haven't seen enough of other Brown groups to say how well their albums match their quality live.</p>

<p>asterstar, it's the absolute most fun thing you will do in college. It's worth doing some work over the summer to get in shape, and try out more than once if you are disappointed the first time you audition. In general, pop/jazz a cappella groups look for solid musicians who can walk the fine line between a distinctive, powerful solo performance and seamless blend in the background. The ability to match pitch within a moving chord is a skill you can hone with practice. Also, visit the groups' websites, see what kind of songs they sing, and try to find songs in the same genre that are flattering to your voice that you can use in the audition.</p>