<p>Unless you really like singing hebrew songs or whatever with one voice sings (i've actually never even heard of them) those two groups are usually full of people who either couldn't make it into a real group, or I guess who didn't want to committ to the time the real groups require</p>
<p>The derbies are w/o a doubt, the most popular group, they're the ones everyone knows, they're flashy, funny, etc. they're brown's flagship group.</p>
<p>The wocks have a very different style from the derbies. I happen to like them a lot too. They're a lot more "serious" than the derbies.</p>
<p>I never really liked the song selections of the necessities, but they're def legit. I also feel like they've been in a slight decline. They may actually be in a tier by themselves (behind the wocks and derbies, but ahead of higher keys)</p>
<p>I can't remember the last time I heard about a shades of brown or harmonic motion show.</p>
<p>Really? I mean maybe I could see people saying they prefer the music that certain groups do over the others, but I have honestly never heard anyone say that any group other than the 3 I mentioned as Tier 1 was the best group on campus.</p>
<p>i'll have to disagree with i wanna be brown</p>
<p>in my opinion, higher keys and jabberwocks are the best and most popular at brown. and i don't think the jabberwocks are "serious" at all, have you been to their drunken drag arch sing? they do it every year. and if i had to call a group "flashy" and "funny" it'll definitely be the jabberwocks and not the derbies.</p>
<p>if i were you, i wouldn't be so quick to judge with one voice, especially since you never heard of them much less hear them sing. they're pretty good, and they sing christian, not hebrew songs.</p>
<p>i never said they sing hebrew songs, alef beats sings hebrew songs. I think the fact that as a senior, a group has managed to go completely under my radar during my entire time at brown says something about their popularity.
Although I see what you mean, I did push my opinion on Alef Beats onto With One Voice.</p>
<p>I think you're misconstruing my words regarding wocks vs. derbies. I certainly don't mean it as a negative thing, I happen to slightly prefer the wocks over the derbies, I've just always found the derbies to be much more animated and flashy than the wocks. Yes, the wocks do a drunken drag arch sing and higher keys does their strip show at the end of the year, but in my opinion the derbies exude a more happy go lucky environment at their shows on a consistent basis than any other group.</p>
<p>The Alef Beats acapella group at Brown University is undeniably the best acapella group at Brown. Period. Anyone who says otherwise either does not have the capacity to judge good music or subscribes to a pubescent view of the world as a popularity contest. The second claim that because the Alef Beats are not as well-known as other acapella groups at Brown, they must be bad or, as one commented, they must be fourth tier. As if popularity has a strong correlation to quality, beauty, and truth!</p>
<p>It would be asinine to use more tiers since these groups shift so much in talent. One thing you can definitely say, however, is the Keys, Wocks, and Derbies will always be great groups at Brown.</p>